Professor Wagstaff

I think mayonnaise is the grossest condiment out there and I hate to be anywhere near it. Watching that scene in Undercover Brother where Eddie Griffin is eating the sandwich with Denise Richards had me covering my eyes and moving uncomfortably in my chair worse than any horror film I've seen.


Since this is a Thomson book, I assume he has a section on how to best watch a Nicole Kidman nude scene, right?

There's a peck with an acorn pointing it at me!

Script doctoring is where the money is. They stand to make a lot more money doing a two week polish on some other filmmaker's script than the two years of work trying to realize one of their directorial projects to the screen.

Original star Sondra Locke is a producer too.

I believe Gosnell was very close to getting the job, but the people already involved with production were threatening to quit if he did.

He did extensive uncredited rewrites on The Wolf of Wall Street. He also had a bit part as the other FBI agent when Kyle Chandler meets DiCaprio on the boat, plus a co-producer credit.

"We are dooly appointed Fedahral Marshals."

I remember noticing this shift as a kid not long after Disney bought ABC and re-branded everything. Sex came right to the forefront. Even the Saturday morning cartoon show Doug had an arc about how Doug's dad is too nervous to explain where babies come from until Doug brings it up with his dad and tells him everything

“Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung fu film.” - Werner Herzog

That's something I really liked about her casting and a credit for Soderbergh who always likes working with the unpolished actors. Horn's scene at the strip club where she's repelled by the club and the people but can't quite keep from showing that Mike's dancing turns her on is a very sexy moment.

I think True Grit is more of a new adaptation rather than a remake. While the studio's was riding on the nostalgia of the John Wayne film, the Coen Brothers were specifically adapting the Charles Portis novel and stayed more faithful to the source.

"My regards to Schwartzman and Heimlich."

"Have a nice day."
"Fuck you!"

Even Little Miss Sunshine. I didn't warm to that movie like others did. Rewatched it a few times but it always left me cold.

I thought he was pretty great in that and Ruby Sparks, which I appreciated after having found him insufferable in just about everything I'd seen to that point.

I can not in good conscience agree knowing the Entourage movie has opened this week.

Gonna call bullshit and say that I think the entry on Peter Weir really trivializes the career of a great director and his films (reducing Master and Commander to the term "actioner" makes me wonder if McCown's seen it). Hollywood gave Weir the chance to explore the same themes he started in his Australian films

I can't say the ending line from Friends with Kids underwhelmed me because I hated that movie, but the film's tearful final exchange found a way to undercut an already bad movie-going experience moreso: