Professor Wagstaff

Not my pick, but I know Harlan Ellison and fans took umbrage with the final exchange in the film version of A Boy and His Dog:

Minority Report

I was a fool to think anyone would want nude photos of Whoopi Goldberg.

Huh, I always thought O'Neal was a DJ3000-style joke machine.

Wayne's World has that Oscar Clip joke where Mike Meyers tosses water on his face to simulate tears while screaming, "I never learned to read!" When I saw The Reader, I thought of that clip when Kate Winslet takes the blame for killing Jews rather than admit she's illiterate (or however it went down).

I can't believe the girl who stroked off the Washington monument headdress would go on to be one of our greatest actresses.

At this rate Adams will win for a disposable performance rather than one of quality once.people start hyping that 'she's due'. Kate Winslet is a good example of this. She had constant terrific performances nominated before winning with The Reader, a truly horrible Oscar-bait exercise that's built off of a Wayne's…

Roger Ebert is key to my love of cinema in the same way Simpsons quotes are to A.V. Club comment threads.

They have a clip for it under "High Noon". It must be the phantom omission.

Glad to see "The Set-Up made the list…sorta