Professor Wagstaff

"How could you, Marty? I'd never lend my name to an inferior product."
"They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house! I'm not made of stone!"

Sometimes those checks clear. Sometimes they bounce, baby!

Been living in Texas a few years. Lots of people refer to Dallas-Fort Worth or DFW to describe our metroplex.

Actually it's 2008.

Saw this in theatres last year knowing nothing about it. It's campy and a lot of fun.

For a long time I thought of her as the person who made otherwise worthless films worth watching (like Nine).

The Plinkett reviews are thought-out, well-written, and sharply edited *films*, and films take time to make.These aren't reactionary ramblings the video rightfully mocks for its insipidness. Anybody can be first and that's the mentality that prevails as the correct one in entertainment journalism, but a long-form

Went to a screening of The Fly last night where they showed vintage trailers beforehand. Guy next to me is talking to his date about how silly and enjoyably stupid Cronenberg's Rabid looks, praises to the heavens the trailer for The Fly II when it plays. He has his priorities all mixed up.

Heaven Help Us!

"He came into town with his cock in his hand and what he did with it was illegal in 49 states." - Monte Hellman's Cockfighter

You think I got kicked out because of just the aquarium? Nah, it was the handjob. And you know what else? It was worth it.

Shaky cam is one of those stylistic tropes that even people who know nothing about the art of filmmaking can easily identify as different from the norm. Because it's not the norm and has long been associated with poorly shot home video, people decided they didn't like it without considering if it's used in an

Also he was played by the annoying Justin Chatwin, so exploding him real good would only be a plus.

Tim Robbins plays blue collar guys well in comedies, but in dramas he always comes off as condescendingly simpleminded.

She's the only woman besides his mother who's ever tolerated him.

Funny Farm is hilarious. Instantly assume anyone who says otherwise probably hasn't seen it since it aired on network television in 1993.

I agree with your timeline (though I liked 50 First Dates) and had the same feelings about Anger Management being the weird turning point for a softer Sandler. Punch-Drunk Love is an incredible look at why that Sandler is so appealing, but it's like that film freaked out Sandler into reexamining who he is and he went

All I remember is an extended sequence that was just to show off how good Leslie Mann's butt looked in jeans.

I thought that the actors were all the most obvious picks for their parts which is frankly kind of boring. It's like the casting director was some Hot Topic kid who'd only ever seen Harry Potter and Tim Burton films.

Can't it be both?