Professor Wagstaff

I'm glad this is finally coming out so I never have to see the trailer ever again.

Whatever talents Arthur Miller had sure didn't get passed down to the next generation, but at least nepotism is working in her favor.

That raw home video footage they repeat throughout the film is terrifying.

Imagine what Disney did with those seven mini Oscars.

I've heard something similar regarding racial diversity in films being affected by the foreign markets. I think many viewers are unaware by how much their entertainment is dictated by a it's ability to sell overseas.

Am I making this up or did Ignatiy go for broke in late-period Carpenter defending by suggesting Ghosts of Mars was one of his best films? Swear this article exists but can't find.

It's a Captain Ron kinda night.

That's the most readable book I've ever read. Picked it up many times, turned to a random page, and never put it down.

Tom Hanks is also starring in another Eggers adaptation, The Circle, which will hopefully be better than this.

Watch Murder Party in the meantime. Another entertaining Saulnier film.

I became a dedicated AV Club reader during the show's 13 week run because of Noel Murray's incredible write-ups and the rich comment section. Logue should be mentioned alongside of Hamm and Cranston among modern TV actors who can really land a gut punch of an emotional beat before the credits hit. His "It wasn't

One, Two, Three isn't the wittiest of Wilder's films, but it has a breathless energy about it that plays like gangbusters thanks to Wilder's use of long takes. I cannot stress enough how incredible the frenetic verbal sparring is in the film. Cagney's finger-snapping tirade at the end of the film is the most

Love & Mercy was definitely about the art.

The Love Story sequel, Oliver's Story.

I really liked him in Rabbit Hole. I remember seeing that in theatres and being impressed by how well he carried himself against Kidman for some heavy material.

Based on the trailer, the characters in Get a Job haven't labored enough to complain about how hard it is out in the job market. They've clearly indulged in lots of creature comforts like living on their own, electronics, clothes, and drugs. Try making the characters 27 or 28, living with their parents because they

Probably works in Pee-wee's favor that Ruebens has kept with the character on and off for nearly 40 years. It's in his DNA.

Wow, that just makes his career choices more sad and misguided than when I thought he was a 30-something bro.

Good call on Murdoch's directing. He got knocked around in reviews for his literalism when adapting the songs and the mundane plotting, but anyone who has seen enough indie films like God Help the Girl knows that most directors (especially men) tend to romanticize or fetishize characters like Eve. Murdoch draws

Having rewatched God Help the Girl twice recently, I found it amazing how much soulfulness a seemingly limited actress like Emily Browning lent the film thanks to her beautiful voice, along with the presence of Anna Karina.