
I've only ever been with one person who liked to make out to music, and it was my high school girlfriend who was really into Dashboard Confessional, so I think I'll politely bow out of this conversation.

Yeah, it's funny to see it referred to here as a "heartstrings tugger" after listening to Blank Check spend like two hours on why it's the bleakest movie Spielberg ever made.

Overjoyed. I absolutely love every second of this dumb, trashy show.

I'm trying so hard to not get my hopes up here. I want this to be good, but I also wanted to like Deadpool, another movie about a character I like that was getting really good reviews, and ended up haaaaaaating it.

Bill Maher two days ago: "Its important I have him on the show so I can publicly destroy him and his ideas"

I finally sat down to watch the pilot last night, and dear lord am I in love with everything about it. The show isn't so much "gritty Archie" as it is a campy almost-parody of sexy brooding teen shows. Ninety percent of the dialogue is people screaming exposition and character traits at each other. It's incredible.

I still think Civil War II had a lot of promise at the outset. For the first few issues at least, the characters were all aware that they'd been through this same conflict countless times, and genuinely tried to avert the inevitable brawl. I'd very much be into a major crossover event that's all about trying to stop

First off, fuck you, I liked Black Vortex.

It's not the worst thing I've seen all year, but I think Morgan deserves a shoutout for being pretty awful. It pulled off that special trick only bad movies can where it managed to feel like it was rushing through the plot and dragging its feet at the same time. That's not even mentioning the big "twist" which is both

Have you checked out The Fix yet? It's Spencer doing more of that sort of "bungling crooks" stuff, and its worth a read.

Failing upward? She's been starring in critically acclaimed books for years and has a huge fan following. And I mean, not to "um actually" you, but she first showed up in the X-Men Evolution cartoon, where she was so popular they decided to import her to the comics. Marvel isn't forcing her on anyone, people like this

It's not the best the book's ever been. ANW is strongest when it's about Laura moving forward and establishing a new life for herself as she steps into a new identity, so dragging up a bunch of stuff from her past feels like a step backwards, both literally and metaphorically. Gabby is still one of the year's best new

Old Man Logan is great, don't get me wrong, but I'm definitely enjoying All New Wolverine quite a bit more. It might be that I like Laura more as a character than Logan, but I think ANW is hitting a brilliant balance between the violence and sadness you need to have in a Wolverine story and the slightly lighter tone

I thought New Avengers had a particularly strong year. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's ridiculously fun, twisty, goofy super-heroics that managed to balance a lot of strange characters with unique voices without ever feeling out of control. Al Ewing in general killed it this year, also writing Ultimates, a half

It's a comedy podcast on the UCB network, I guess I don't really think of it as somewhere to go for "legit film discussion" in the first place.

Ironically, while I've been pushing We Hate Movies on people for years, 2016 was the year that I just kinda… fell out of it. This was the year that I finally hopped on the McElroy bandwagon (I'm caught up on most of the McElroy brand, and still doing a deep dive through the MBMBAM archives) and got SUPER into Blank

I'm so excited to see Jeff Loveness get more Marvel work. Groot was one of the standout books of 2015. Now I just need Brian Kesinger drawing something.

I still hold that after a really weak first season, and in spite of both the endless crap that followed them and one of the most despised fandoms on the internet, seasons two through five of Supernatural were pretty great. Had the show ended there, I think we'd be talking about it now as one of the best of the late

The people that were going to like it will still like it, the people that were out to hate it will still hate it, and Marvel and Netflix will make a ton of money regardless.

Christian Happy Endings Getting Cancelled?