
A bit of a latecomer as far as favorite moments go, but the bit from the end of the Stolen Century arc when Barry and Taako are trying to figure out where Lup could have gone and Taako just completely, casually forgets Lup exists mid-conversation… that was apparently an ad-lib (well, even more of an ad-lib than you

Oh, I totally agree. It also physically looks better than anything Snyder has made. I'm saying it looks like it's synthesized those two concepts and made something better.

It's funny how whenever this movie comes up people start talking about how you can't possibly match Whedon's lighthearted approach to superheroes with the bombastic imagery of a Zack Snyder film, because in a way I think that's what Thor: Ragnarok is shaping up to be?

I imagine that would just be eleven issues of the dowdiest dresses this side of an old west schoolmarm plus one really ballsy swimsuit issue.

It's weirdly difficult to track down right now, the one video of it that got uploaded was taken down really quickly from YouTube for "hate speech" (which is bizarre given what they let stay up).

Maybe he could adapt something out of that that new bit he's been trying out on radio, where he calls a seven year old trans child a homophobic slur and says her parents should kill themselves.

Okay never mind, this is what I want now.

Totally fair. Youre definitely right about the USA v. Foreigner dynamic, aka the main reason I just want the dang belt off Mahal so we can all move on. I just have Nakamura stan blinders on, I guess.

What suck is, it looks like Corbin/Nakamura isn't going anywhere for a bit. The obvious storyline they seem to be setting up here is Nakamura winning next week, winning at SummerSlam, and then immediately losing the championship when Corbin cashes in his contract. Looks like they think this feud has legs. That having

Hey look everybody, these Dornish sure are badasses, get ready for this Dornish character to do some really cool aaaaaaaaaaaand they're dead.

There was literally an entire documentary about how they bang these episodes out every week so they can keep their current events stuff bleeding-edge current, but hey, I guess they can just pretend they were never trying to be topical now that they know they're going to alienate the not-inconsiderable shitty part of

Headline ghostwritten by Griffin McElory.

How is "making the superstars in the women's division as exciting as the ones in the men's division" some sort of unreasonable "social justice" issue?

While I'll agree that the staggering number of miscalculations that went into the making of Gigli makes it a lot more interesting than most bad comedies, I still don't really think of it as a "so bad it's good" movie. It's just… so deeply unpleasant. And hateful. And dumb, but not in the fun way. Ditto for Nothing But

Look, nobody ever wants to have to be the comedy police, but here's the truth: "cocksucker" jokes are pretty much inherently homophobic. It only works as an insult if you consider a guy sucking off another guy gross or demeaning. That having been said, conservatives only care about homophobia, or really any systemic

This seems as appropriate a place as any to bring this up: I think Jarhead is a fantastic movie and that history will be kinder to it than contemporary critics were.

I always see these movies about anthropomorphic animals as a good opportunity to find out who I need to unfollow on tumblr.

I'm one hundred percent in favor of Syaf getting blacklisted. I can't imagine too many writers are going to want to work with him again and risk having their work tanked by a rogue political comment like this.

I was into this right up until that last photo. There's nothing like Maron being in something to LOCK THE GATES on me watching it.

Wow am I conflicted here. On the one hand, yeah, the first Avengers was fantastic, and there are few directors out there that are going to care more about this project than Whedon. On the other hand, he also made the self-indulgent mess that was Age of Ultron (yeah I know the studio hacked it to pieces but only