
Catfish is kind of the platonic ideal of this for me. It was sold SO hard on the concept of it being this big mystery, the answer to which would blow your goddam mind, when in reality the answer is obvious from the beginning (it's just a sad person lying on the internet) and the movie becomes infinitely more

Wingard has earned a lifetime of credit for me after You're Next. I can definitely see where he could make a bad movie, but I don't think he'd ever make a boring one, so I'm willing to give whatever he does a shot.

I wanted so badly to like Flash Forward, because it's a killer premise for a podcast, but I've hated everything I've heard so far. The audio drama bits are pretty good, but everything after falls totally flat for me. Like, the sex robot episode. It mostly consisted of people saying "it's gonna take a lot of new

Or, y'know, don't.

Five Guys' cajun fries. Very greasy, a little spicy, and a frankly dangerous portion size.

Ironically that's what I like so much about that series. It's an enjoyably dopey sitcom with a lot of fun performances. I definitely think people confuse it for a superhero parody just because they see capes and jokes in close proximity, and it's definitely not that, but it still works just as a comedy.

I think the biggest clue so far that the Tick is a figment of Arthur's imagination (or maybe Arthur is causing him to manifest? idk, superhero stuff) is the twitch Arthur seems to get every time they talk. It's a facial tic. Geddit?

Looking forward to giving this a listen. I loved Christmas Island, but it definitely felt like a pivoting point for the band and I was worried about what might come next.

Remember when they found all those old Supernatural tapes they'd thought were lost forever? What a boon that was to tv scholars.

Santa Clara Drift

It's not as goofy as you'd think. It's a relatively grounded story, and much more character driven than "wacky superhero adventure".

They'll probably do what Unbeatable Squirrel Girl just did and make it clear she's a genetic aberration legally distinct from mutants.

I can understand why it took them this long to adapt Runaways. It took Bernie Sanders to get America on board with an angry Jewish socialist like Gertrude Yorkes.

There have been two separate self-important documentaries about how pure and noble the Brony community is. One of them even made a wink wink "boys will be boys" reference to the porny aspects.

As it stands right now, the two characters live in a barn together and make weird art. One of them just got out of what was metaphorically a horribly abusive relationship. The show has really been playing up how well the two characters help each other cope (if SU is good for anything besides lots and lots of

Idk, I don't think it's superficial to want to have some sense that the wider culture acknowledges you.

-hounds you off the internet for not wanting to see the right two cartoon horses together-

Well, intentionally gay. If we're gonna get into unintentional queerness, then yeah, He-Man uh…. helped me figure some stuff out.

They haven't sunk to saying they're the TRUE fans that the show should be marketed too, not children. They also haven't invented a word for masturbating to the show. So yeah, I'm still gonna say Bronies are worse.

This show embraces all sexualities and gender identities in a more positive way than any other show on tv right now. It's quite literally the gayest cartoon ever made. How in the fuck are you gonna accuse it of queerbaiting? Ain't no baiting. It's just queer.