
I'm a little excited for this movie, and a lot excited for her inevitable spin-off.

You're thinking of Gay Panic Room.

I mean, this is from the same guy who thought a cis man playing a creaky old stereotype of a trans sex worker was the best thing to ever happen to trans folk, so he probably thinks meeting with the mentally ill and then chucking whatever they said out the window was "progressive" too.

Personal theory: Tony was adopted out of Latveria and Doom is his brother.

Spider-Man Too: 2 Many Spider-Men

Marvel did a pretty fun "1872" series as part of last year's Mandatory Summer Crossover, and then tried to spin it off into an ongoing series for the main character, Red Wolf. It uh… didn't work.

I'll defend Superior Spider-Man and most of JMS's Amazing run to the death.

-Jack Monroe rises from the grave spewing black shields out of his mouth-

Four Captains America. Danielle Cage, future Cap and daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, is joining the new USAvengers team.

Don't forget the time during Mark Waid's Fantastic Four run when The Thing died and went to heaven, only to be returned to earth by God, who was literally Jack Kirby. Bonus points for having Kirby refer to Stan Lee as "the other guy" in a context that seems to imply he's the devil.

I worked with kids for years, and let me tell you, despite how many of them had Cars shirts and toys and such, very few of them gave a shit about the movies. I won't deny the first one hooked a lot of kids, but at this point I think it's become more the kind of marketing juggernaut that's running on pure momentum and

Why is Amazon ordering a pilot for a superhero comedy when it already has one for a Tick reboot it hasn't even aired yet? Idk, if I were them I'd at least finish testing the waters first.

He's really good at playing the long game. Superior Foes was like eighty percent "remember this, it's gonna pay off later". And it did, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt this go-round.

Well the good news is, the Watchmen thing is DEFINITELY the only time people are going to accuse a major publisher of disrespecting one of their formative talents this week.

Hans Zimmer's score is okay, I guess, but Inception really should have ended with Weezer's Only In Dreams.

So I'd be totally okay with it happening, but I just want to point out something that I've seen floating around Tumblr a lot and that really bugs me: that panel of Red Skull telling Cap he can give him whatever he wants, even "boys in costumes", isn't a cute reference to Steve and Bucky hooking up. It came from before

You know what game sucked? The 2013 Tomb Raider reboot. It's whole shtick is "what if Uncharted was super grim and had a lot of scenes that practically fetishize a teenage girl getting the crap beaten out of her". But you know what game is fucking fantastic? Last year's Rise of the Tomb Raider, which I only checked

Of course, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, the only two celebrities to ever experience this.

"We would never mock people who've had explicit images of them put on the Internet without their consent, we were just making fun of celebrity sex tapes."

I can actually hear it getting rap-sung by Anthony Kiedis.