
After binging on the Blank Check podcast and hearing them talk about it constantly, I've developed a hideous addiction to the Star Wars card trader app. It's not even a game, you just get credits, spend them on digital trading card packs, then trade cards with other users. It just hits some button in my brain I didn't

Please, call him Gary.

Keep 'em coming, Gleep Glop!

Why does this review seem convinced feminism and fun are mutually exclusive? Like, you can be both.

So I actually thought the ending was fine enough, but honestly if they'd ended on that near-perfect punchline of Winstead looking out at the ships and giving a resigned "You're kidding" I would've been totally happy.

The video game tie ins for the fifth and sixth Harry Potter movies (Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince) have a permanent place in our rotation, because they are gloriously good-bad. Terrible face captures and voice acting from the movie cast, goofy animations, ridiculous-looking combat, and some really

I'm not usually one to get up in arms about this, but come on, AV Club. You rightly called out Box Trolls when that came out for doing the "guy in a dress" thing, which is inherently transphobic, but now you're talking about how great the Danish Girl "haha look Tracy Morgan is in a dress!" parody was?

So this is about the grade I expected the movie to get, but there is one part of the review that surprised me. Based on the trailers I was really afraid they were going to push the character too far into "amoral quip machine" territory and ignore the fact thatched actually a deeply sad, tragic character. Like, yes, he

Ah shit, that'll do it. I vaguely remember a bunch of dudes from those circles of the internet trying to get a metal version of Gamergate started, I guess this is part of the same movement.

It sort of seems like you're the one finding this review controversial, but yeah, sure.

Wow, this comment section turned into a shitshow.

I caught a snippet of him on The View a few weeks back saying some really bizarre shit related to gun rights and the civil war. It was hard to follow what he was saying, but it seemed like he thought the South seceding was a positive example of why private citizens need guns to protect themselves from the federal

Best of all possible worlds.

Groot was pure joy and inventiveness. I'm sad to see it getting rolled into Skottie Young's good but not great Rocket Raccoon book, hopefully Jeff Loveness and Brian Kesinger both get more Marvel work soon.

Came in hope of seeing Squirrel Girl and Bitch Planet make the list. Was vaguely bummed to see Captain America & the Mighty Avengers, whose Secret Wars tie-in final issue may have been the best super hero comic to come out this year, not get a nod.

That, plus recommending that run over the way better Duggan/Posehn run, really had me scratching my head.

Oh, and shout out to Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men for Podcast Hosts I Most Want To Hang Out With.

I would have given Most Improved to Mystery Show. Over the course of a teeny little first season, it managed to grow past the gimmicky concept (untrained investigator solving mundane mysteries) and find a structure that really worked (mystery acts as a framework to hang stories and interviews on).

My girlfriend and I fell hardcore in love with Over the Garden Wall just recently. We're both big Steven Universe/Adventure Time fans and we'd always heard it discussed alongside those shows so we figured we should give it a try. It's been weeks since we binged the whole miniseries, and we still on occasion get into

It's coarse, rough, irritating… and it gets everywhere.