
The difference there, though, is that we know for a fact that there's an actual mainline Zelda title in the works. So things like Triforce Heroes or Hyrule Warriors are just fun little diversions while we wait for the real thing. With a franchise like Chibi Robo, or even Metroid, unfortunately, we have no idea when or

Squirrel Girl is also appearing in New Avengers, whose artist has this bizarre anime-light style, and her teeth look infinitely worse there. Another fun fact about that artist: he apparently had to be told several times by editorial that he was drawing her breasts way too big.

Ex Machina lends itself so so so well to binge reading. Every time there's rumbling about adapting it for television, it always feels redundant because the series already hits the same notes for me that marathoning the X-Files or something on Netflix does.

I have to believe that Nintendo came up with a generic grappling-hook platformer first, then retroactively went hunting for an IP they could slap on it, because why else would this be a Chibi Robo game? It has nothing to do with the previous games. It's always disappointing to see something weird and offbeat get

I'm pretty sure it's implied pretty heavily that the "limited water supply" isn't actually very limited, and that Immortan Joe is essentially manufacturing a crisis to make himself look like a messiah. Like, one or two times a character mentions that there's actually more water than they know what to do with locked

Honestly I'd recommend checking out some of Dan Slott's recent run on Amazing Spider-Man. It just relaunched with a new number 1 yesterday, and the new status quo has Peter as CEO of the wildly succesful Parker Industries, and basically self-identifying as the "poor man's Tony Stark".

In Spider-Gwen's universe he is. I believe he was also thay world's Lizard.

I was going to make a joke about how Teller didn't need to be paid to be in this because he and Penn are such vocal libertarians and huge fans of Rand's writing, but then I realized that's exactly why he would demand payment.

Liberty dying, thunderous applause, etc.

Ironically, "the" Thor isn't a Thor. He was kicked out of the Thors for some reason or another, but mainly to keep him closer to his depowered "Odinson" identity from the most recent stories. Storm? Thor. Groot? Thor. Thor? Not a Thor. Comics!

Is the web interface usable now? I got an iPad a few months ago and stopped trying to use anything else. I think I'm just still bitter about the android app crashing constantly.

Yeah, I know two of the women behind the Agent Carter show are taking over on the main book, but I meant that the Carol Corps series would continue running as well. Hadn't heard about Alpha Flight though. Comics are weird.

Anybody else remember this getting announced as an ongoing? I could've sworn they said this would continue post Secret Wars as an anthology book with a rotating female creative team anchored by DeConnick as cowriter. Maybe I'm crazy, or maybe they just quietly cancelled those plans now that Kelly Sue is leaving Marvel

Sorry, you've actually been cancelled and replaced with an Inhumans fan.

Also, hope you have an iOS device, because the android app is pretty terrible.

It's upsetting but not really surprising to see people commenting on a book about rape culture with rape jokes. Like… this book wouldn't exist if that wasn't so predictable.

The last time I can remember really getting gob smacked by a piece of art was earlier this year with issue 3 of Bitch Planet. Just… Wow, did that catch me off guard.

Honestly if I'd achieved the level of commercial success she has, my live shows would also mainly be pretenses to meet people I liked as a kid.

Start covering a REAL cinematic penis story; namely, did the freak in Castle Freak rip off his own ding dong or not?

My girlfriend and I have two from Futurama: "You can't own property, man" is a perfect addition to any conversation about hippies, and "We ALL feel like that ALL the time" comes up surprisingly often.