
I didn't need another excuse to listen to one of my all time favorite Undercovers again, but I'll take it. Good Job, Internet.

Is this a headline or am I having a stroke?

[laugh track suggesting cartoon is being filmed in front of a live audience]

I maybe have a weird take on this, but I feel like Pearl's understanding of love has been so deeply warped by her relationship (or lack thereof) with Rose that I sort of don't totally blame her for the way she acts. I pretty much blame Rose.
The key to understanding that relationship, to me, is an earlier episode this

Yeah, exactly. A lot of tweens were super pissed that they'd accidentally promoted a crappy horror movie.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't this have a whole viral marketing campaign that convinced 14 year olds on Tumblr to try and summon demons? Or at least, convinced moms on Facebook that their kids were trying to maybe summon demons?

"Marvel's latest is so terrible, they'd be better off blocking theaters from showing it. In fact, they might want to institute an…

He's coming back! He's gonna be in the cast of the new villainous Illuminati series launching post-Secret Wars. But he's going by Black Ant now?

The Rage of Ultron graphic novel was set after the whole universe-gets-blown-up, Doctor-Doom-remakes-everything-as-Battleworld kerfluffle currently happening in Secret Wars, which means everything is mostly gonna go back to normal in September. Because in comic books the end of all reality as we know it is at most a

I wanted to see if Jack Bright had done anything interesting before this, but when I googled his name all I got was a character from the SCP crowd-sourced horror project. So that's kind of neat.

They've made it super clear that all of this is part of a plan and none of these stories are just going to go away They've already released teaser images showing that a lot of stuff featured in the Secret Wars tie-ins (Old Man Logan and Red Wolf especially) are going to be appearing in the new Marvel U.

I meannnnnnn
Tecchnically, yes, she dies. The entire Marvel Universe dies, except for the handful of characters that made it onto the lifeboat-things. The versions we're seeing in Secret Wars are basically copies from various alternate realities. Even the ones showing up in Manhattan, which is supposed to be the

Great Job, Internet.

Probably when we realized those things are pretty fun.

I'll agree that it's a disservice to discount everything he's ever written just because he tends to write a lot of rape scenes, but it's also a disservice to just wave off any and all criticism just because the guy's a legend. All pop culture deserves to be discussed critically, especially the work of a writer of

I hope you'll contribute to my Kickstarter for a new line of hardcover Tijuana Bibles.

I had no idea this existed, but now I want it.

Between this and Marvel's upcoming Secret Love one-shot it sort of feels like romance comics are about to have a moment again, and I am a-ok with that.

Ehhhh, this is really basic, surface level parody. And the reboot joke doesn't even work in this context. Marvel isn't the one rebooting stuff, that's for other studios that either have a property they keep trying to fit into a standard superhero narrative even though it doesn't work that way (Fox with Fantastic Four)

Baby Director