
"Hey Captain America, what're you reading?"
"Just my trade paperback of Marvel's Secret Invasion crossover, Iron Man."
"Is it any good?"

Great Job, Internet!s is the same

I have to imagine that EDM thing inspired Electro's dubstep inner monologuing in Amazing Spider-Man 2, because where the hell else could they have gotten that idea.

I guess sticking strictly to established continuity has never been that big if a deal to me. If the story is well done, I can usually ignore a few continuity snarls.

Kind of? Ultimate Spider-Man was pretty consistently good for like fifteen years, I've come to respect him for that.

Here's the thing: there's totally a way to salvage this. Have this be another example of Teen Jean gaining too much power too quickly. Maybe Emma Frost can step in and be like "The FUCK made you think that's an okay thing to do?"

I'm totally in support of Bobby being gay. But the way it goes down in the actual issue is fucking horrible. Jean reads his mind and outs him. To himself. He doesn't even get to work out his own sexuality for himself, Jean just tells him "Welp, you're gay."

Sure, Internet!

Well they confirmed Nebula is coming back, so I think we can assume there's gonna be a whole bunch of daddy issues with her, Gamora, and Thanos.

I want flashbacks to her before the ninja body, where it's just b-roll of Jessica Pare in her Mad Men makeup and costumes.

The final joke of the episode, where the mourners at Frank's funeral all laugh at Homer talking in his sleep as the casket is lowered into the grave, is maybe one of the darkest gags they've ever done, and one of my all time favorites.

Joss Whedon is really not in a position to call other people out on latent sexism.

Superhero movies have reached a permanently high plateau!

Dragon Age: Origins. Back when I had a PS3, I actually got nearly all the way to the final boss, got distracted, and never went back. But every few months, I get it in my head that I'm gonna start the game again and finish it this time, and I never do. I'm a huge Bioware fan, and I want very badly to play Inquisition,

Oh, I agree about it probably not reflecting his current views. I'm just disappointed in Patton, really.

Wasn't that Trevor Noah tweet actually just "Fat girls are only attractive when you're drunk"? It's not like he made some genius joke that people misconstrued, he just called fat women ugly.

I feel like I have to turn in my Cool Guy Who Likes Cool Stuff badge for this but… I didn't totally hate the first one? Yeah, it was dumb, and parts of it were as awful as everyone feared, but I feel like the chemistry between the actors playing the turtles was damn solid, and the scenes of them interacting and

I haven't listened to How Did This Get Made in a while, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that We Hate Movies' Deep Blue Sea episode is funnier.

Don't forget that the Irish guy lived in a castle full of actual leprechauns.

Does a mall baby love chili fries?