
I am totally down with this, but only as long as she still acts and talks like what a nearly 40 year old Chris Claremont thought teenagers were like in 1989.

Invisible Monsters is one of the few books of his that for me holds up as well now as when I was an angsty teen. Maybe even better, now that I'm not taking it as scripture and quoting it on my Myspace. I found the "Remix" version he put out a few years ago really self indulgent and unnecessary, though.

Don't worry, I'm sure the sequel comic will totally fix that!

I think I appreciate Rant the most, just for how the book takes this incredible left turn like halfway in. Then you go back and read the first half again, and it's like a totally different book once you understand what's actually going on. I also think it was the last thing he wrote worth reading.

"I consider this an invasion of our festival, and I am prepared to stand my ground against it."

I was doing just fine with my knockoff mobile games. Plumber Panic, Tiny Monster World, Legend of Elves, etc.

The Kraft Singles?

I imagine for Power Girl they'd just split-screen whoever's playing Supergirl and add some light aging makeup.

We all know that the Weasley twins didn't pleasure themselves to the Marauder's Map. But what my slash fiction presupposes is, what if they did?

It's a little of both? There are usually a handful of good jokes scattered through most episodes, but it's also a lot of Hot Topic-y "lol so random" bullshit.

It's weird that he's saying he never stopped working on Zim, because from what I heard he was so desperate to leave it behind that he took to telling fans at conventions that shortly after the events of the series finale Zim crashed his ship and died a slow, agonizing death, just so people would stop asking him if the

I saw Duggan at NYCC and he talked at length about how his take on the series is that the only way to hurt a man with that kind of healing factor is to rip apart his soul, so I'm guessing most of the book's comedy is coming from Posehn, who honestly isn't that funny. And when the book tried to be more of a comedy

I really want them to use the characterization of Cannonball and Sunspot from the current Avengers titles, where they're best bros who hang out on the beach and wear matching costumes and talk about all the babes they're gonna score with and none of it is homoerotic at all, no sir.

I will only support an X-Force movie if Fantomex is involved.

I think the latest run, with Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn writing, has been a really good example of how to make the character work.

Lady Deadpool is actually one of the more forgettable entries in the Lady Dirty Harry series of exploitation films.

Well, thanks for ruining the next X-Men movie for me.

Some of us only know her as the barista that got everyone's names wrong in that one episode of How I Met Your Mother. We are a proud, if somewhat sheltered, people.

I'm really, really hoping this isn't going to be catchphrase-spewing, "lol so random" Deadpool, and instead will be funny in kind of a sad way, severely broken man who wants to be a hero but has no idea where to start Deadpool.