
A lot of what Mark Millar is involved in is Teen Boy Satire, which is just the usual teen boy stuff (killing lots of people, wearing cool leather outfits, kissing hot babes on their sweet boobs, etc.) but he gets to call it satire by occasionally going "So how about that establishment, eh?"

Am I really going to have to shit all over Mark Millar in an AV Club comment thread for the second day in a row?

I remember when Sony was REALLY flailing last year, there were stories going around that their big idea for revitalizing the Spidey franchise was an animated movie. It would've been the perfect chance to finally get Spider-Ham on the big screen.

With the upcoming Secret Wars ending the Ultimate U and probably smashing all the popular stuff into the main 616 U, I've seen people proposing having Miles become Spider-Boy. Ignoring the unfortunate implication of downgrading a black character to "boy", I think something like that would work in the MCU. Or it would,

Actually, I could see Speedball working for this. Now that they're introducing Inhumans as sort of the MCU equivalent of mutants, I could imagine a bunch of newly super-powered teens (maybe jokingly calling themselves the New Warriors WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE) screwing around and uploading stuff to youtube, then

I mean yeah, it didn't last, but I don't know that we can blame that on the idea being a failure. I mean, it was followed by the Clone Saga, which lasted for fucking years despite being terrible.

I could've sworn they did a flashback issue that showed little toddler Damien, though. I know Talia was growing a bunch more Damiens in vats, and I know the real one was put in some sort of birthing matrix thing instead of her actual womb, but I really thought he grew up normally. Also, the preceding sentence is one

Oh totally. Superman Unleashed in particular felt like a 90s Marvel series, what with the Jim Lee art and the marketing revolving around how hard two buff dudes can punch each other.

I think the explanation was that Batman was around way before the other heroes, but he didn't actually reveal himself to the world until the whole Darkseid invasion thing that brought the Justice League together. That's the only way to make sense of him having a ten year old son, anyway.

Because unlike a lot of what was happening in the comics at the time, the DCAU managed to tell stories that felt mature and interesting without having to resort to the ultraviolence and sexualization that rigid censorship prevented.

Remember when Spider-Man was running around nearly beating muggers to death and calling himself The Spider? You don't get to be a Marvel hero and be happy for any extended period of time, unless you're Squirrel Girl.

The problem that DC has had for some time now is that yes, following what Marvel is doing will probably work out okay for them, but it also makes them look inherently weaker. Marvel currently has a rare position: they're both far and away more succesful, AND come across as the hippest, coolest publisher in town, with

Confused Exec: "Sheila, get me Donald Sutherland!"

Whoah, wait. Imagine a show about a private eye that crisscrosses the country, confessing to murders he didn't commit to both protect the innocent and solve the case from the inside.

I'm assuming it'll be one of those shows that uses a ridiculous premise to introduce the characters, then veers away to tell new stories about them. I mean, it would have to be, right?

Your Crazy Conservative Facebook Friend Yesterday: "These goddam liberals and their Hollyweird values."

Look, you BOTH can keep your attendees away from my Rime of the Ancient Mariner symposium and we'll all be happy.

Whoah whoah WHOAH, since when are Squirrel Girl OR Howard the Duck unpopular?

My only exposure to his standup is when it was references in this terrible fantasy novel I read written by a self-described woman hater, so I'll believe it.

"Clearly Hollywood is run by feminazis, notice how the lady is hot but the guy is an incompetent shlub" - Reddit