
Whoah, okay.
Why do people always feel the need to play Confrontational Internet Spock when stuff like this happens? Its really easy to be rational and removed when you don't have anything at stake, but when it's potentially your livelihood or your life on the line, there's always going to be at least part of you

I want to say yes, but I'm also just an anxious person in general, so it's a bit of a struggle.

That's totally fair. But like, as an employee at a movie theater (that's part of a chain that announced they were dropping the movie before Sony pulled it), I can tell you they're insanely paranoid about violence ever since Aurora. I even had to go through "active shooter" training. So maybe Sony shouldn't have pulled

I'm still not sure to feel about this whole shitstorm. Like, yeah, yay freedom of speech, but if there are credible threats of violence, I'd rather not risk anyone's safety over a middling Rogen/Franco comedy.

Really? I'm not a huge fan of HDTGM. I listened to the first episode a while back, and thought they were a bit too soft on the movie. It also seemed like they expected the audience to have also seen the movie, which made their critique difficult to follow.

Oh, I just meant they're less prone to tangents and nonsense than the Flop House.

I think the best Superman writers are the ones that, rather than toning down his powers, find a way to scale the problems he faces past punching people. The character is at his best when he's being faced with an impossible scenario, and still finding a way out of it without anyone dying. The current Action Comics has

Look, I just wanted an outlet to tell the AV Club that I hated Gone Girl, okay?

I finally got around to watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles this past week, and honestly, it didn't suck all that much? Don't get me wrong, it's still very much a Michael Bay movie, and thus bad, but the scenes with just the turtles interacting with each other were pretty enjoyable. The animation wasn't terrible (I

Hooray for We Hate Movies! The slightly-more-on-topic bad movie podcast!

This reminds me so much of Something Awful's Awful Movie Database, which has the same sort of bizarro-world movie trivia feel to it.
(Seriously though, go read through the AMDb archives, it's the best thing SA has ever done)

Perfect. Now we just need $700,000.

I want a mashup podcast of the Floppers investigating a cold case.

This song literally features a wedding limo and a hearse being crushed into oblivion together.

Am I the only one that thought slowing it down actually made it less sad? Like, there's this sense of urgency in the original, that these cars are desperately trying to get their stories out one last time in an attempt to mean something to somebody again.

Just hang there for a while, maybe if you're lucky a cheetos newswire will come by too.

The book was a sheer joy from start to finish. I'm sitting here grinning from ear to ear just from reading about the pet store scene again.

After the horrible bullshit in last week's issue of Axis (not to mention the impending end of Fantastic 4) I'm inclined to believe every shitty editorial decision comes from a desire to make things more like the movies. In which case, I look forward to seeing Carol's debut in Guardians 2.

I wasn't the hardcore comic nerd I am now back then, I mostly dipped in for the big events (Civil War, Secret Inasion, etc.). I got in on Marvel Unlimited when they did their Cyber Monday "first month is only 75 cents" deal, it's giving me a chance to read what I missed out on. New Avengers is definitely on the list,

The whole "Higher, Further, Faster, More" thing could've been (and heck, could still be) a driving purpose for the character. The first issue of the new volume laid out that the amnesiac Carol, desperate to reclaim some sort of identity, was going to figure out who she was by seeing exactly what her limits were.