
I really want to see Carol back on Earth. And I know that it's shitty criticism to say "I don't like this as much because the characters aren't doing what I want them to do," but I feel like the space stories (excluding the first arc, which I thought played around with some neat ideas) haven't been as emotionally rich

I'm really glad Kelly Sue DeConnick has something this good out now. Her recent Captain Marvel stories, while still totally fun and readable, haven't been as great as they were before the relaunch.

This first issue seems like an intentional dig at OitNB. It seems at first like the sorta-kind-but-not-really innocent white lady is going to be the protagonist, while the WoC characters are relegated to background roles. By the end of the issue… well, let's just say that that's no longer the case.

"An acclaimed book… The ending shocked me to my core[!]" - Ack Ack, AV Club Commenter

This is pretty spectacular. Especially the bit where his backer reward is the opportunity to suggest more backer rewards.
I wish I had bookmarked it, but my personal favorite is one where a guy fresh out of law school was going to dig himself out of debt by selling stickers and stamps featuring MS Paint "sassy animal"

Add Lego Batman 3 to the list and I'm down.

No discussion of Kickstarter becoming a punchline is complete without a mention of Kickended, aka my favorite Good Job Internet of 2014.

I'm gonna give The Quirk the benefit of the doubt and assume they meant "Ebola Hysteria" in the sens of Americans panicking over Ebola despite having no chance of contracting it themselves. But yeah, that could have been phrased a bit more tastefully.

Nonono, the TUBBY hack, not the one with the turkey neck.

The coming of winter means no more lemons. Sansa has a total breakdown when she realizes there won't be lemon cakes for the next few years.

It's the Christmas song you write when you have too much cocaine and too little time.

Normally I only post here when I have something snarky to add but honestly I'm totally losing my shit over this.

I'm really conflicted on this one. It's made by someone I love, with a cast full of people I love, and yet this is a terrible trailer that makes the movie look like some super generic sub-Apatow "life moves pretty fast!" bullshit.

So this works pretty well, yeah, but to me a great mashup has more interaction between the tracks being stitched together.

Ah dammit, and here I was with my Left B-hind puns

I think you're giving them too much credit.

Nope! It just… it never felt like a joke to me? Like, there's a difference between a joke and "here's a lazy thing we think might get a cheap laugh."

Not if it's milk chocolate.

I've never been a huge fan of the comedy side of the Plinkett videos (the whole "hahaha he kills ladies" thing is just really unfunny to me) I do like how they lay out exactly what's wrong with the prequels in a much more accessible way than the normal twelve-paragraph forum posting.