
"Carol Danvers is no Wonder Woman"

I heard he has a vocal command to make his dog fetch him a refreshing sports drink.

I'm not totally in love with this one, but there are definitely better ones on the Soundcloud page. Especially "Twengerbibbytwo".

I've never understood the hatred she gets.

Don't forget Jason Sudeikis in Movie 43.

The only place women get crammed in comics is into fridges.

Hi Grant Morrison.

For me, it's a really simple test: Did I enjoy/appreciate the movie on some level? If it's yes, awesome. If it's no, I'm not gonna try to fake myself out by saying "Well you weren't SUPPOSED to enjoy the movie, it's a metacommentary on unenjoyable movies."

Agreed. I definitely see Snyder as somebody who thinks claiming an idea is meta instantly causes it to transcend whatever flaws or gross implications it has, because guess what, fools, they were clearly intentional!

No, it's totally what they were trying to do. I just think part of the beauty of Superman is that he's good because he learned from good people. He's able to embody every value we need him to embody because gosh darnit, he's just THAT super, and his morals might as well be another super power. He doesn't need a

"What are you dense? Are you retarded or something? I'm the goddam Jonathan Swift."

Well duh! Just like how Man of Steel was a meta commentary about how if anybody had superpowers they'd be kind of a dick who's more concerned about keeping their identity secret and stopping the bad guy than saving lives. Superman was SUPPOSED to come off as terrible at what he does! It's all there in the script,

Oh. Fair enough. And I guess this is starting in Cap 3, which is enough of the ways down the line that they could introduce a few new characters. Hell, they could even use Scarlet Witch an Quicksilver, who are apparently now called "miracles" because of the whole X-Men/mutants movie rights thing, to usher in a new

I was dressed as The Captain for two days at New York Comic Con, I sort of still have Nextwave on the brain.

It's totally rad that they're introducing more villains, seeing as the movies have so far had a pretty bad problem with killing off baddies after one appearance, rather than letting them gain any sort of reputation or legacy. But those characters don't really work for Civil War because they're criminals and thus

Oh. Well, that's good. I remember reading something about them introducing Deathlok on the show, I thought that was sort of a weird choice of character when they still have yet to bring in so many heavy hitters.

…well shit. I haven't been watching AoS, is that what they've been doing?

Mark Millar Licks Goats

How the hell do you do Civil War in a universe with like six superheroes, only two of whom have actual super powers?

Episode 222: A Peanut In The Rain. It's from June of last year.