
Please, call him Gary.

My favorite Paul F. Tompkins moment on Comedy Bang Bang will always be when he revealed in-character as Gary Marshall that he was an alien and that his real name was unpronounceable in human language, prompting Scott Aukerman to ask in a perfect deadpan "Is it the n-word?" Tompkins' desperate attempt to figure out a

"The Asylum To Adapt That One Tee Shirt Where Pac-Man Is An Astronaut And The Power Pellets Are His Anti-Psychosis Pills"

Between that and the giant middle fnger to the fans that was Ultimatum, it seems like Loeb kinda… lost his mind a bit. I mean, I can understand why. I can't even imagine losing a kid. But like… there comes a point where somebody has to say "Guys, Jeph can't write anymore, we need to stop giving him so much control

Hey, they're introducing Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver now, so there's plenty of time to do the "Wanda and Pietro are an incestuous couple and Captain America is apparently a jerk for disapproving" storyline from Ultimates 3.

Oh, I totally agree with that. Part of the reason the characterization works for me is because it sort of feels like an extension of the cocky Avenger personality. And anyway, the movie seems to be going off what little of the Utlimate version of Hawkeye I've seen: a kinda-generic military type with particularly good

I've been looking at it less as a traditional superhero comic and more as an experiment. It has a much more indie feel to it. There's a reason "Pizza Is My Business" took home the single issue Eisner Award this year, and it's because nothing else in mainstream comics looks or feels like it. I can agree that it tends

There's a good tv series to be made out of the current Hawkeye comic. A sadsack archer who knows he'll never be on the level of those guys who can fly and shoot beams out of their eyes, so he devotes himself to protecting his little corner of the city, all while mentoring a girl he fully believes will outpace him

Is there a role for Chris Pratt? Hollywood is nervous about making any movies they couldn't drop Chris Pratt into, just in case.

Sorry if I'm passing along an urban legend, it's just the irony of the US possibly killing Wayne is too good to pass up.

Let us never, ever forget that the US government kind of inadvertently killed John Wayne by telling the Conqueror producers it was safe to film by a nuclear testing site.

Man? Or un-man?!?

The fact that he's been consistently working in voice acting for the past five years and nobody seemed to notice is kind of sadder than if he left it all behind and was now selling cars in Oklahoma

Pun not intended. Credit still welcome.

I can imagine David Faustino, at the height of his power, doing a lot of really heinous "No one will ever believe you" shit.

I didn't get it at first either, but after looking up a starting guide just to figure out what the hell I was even doing and getting into the groove, I have to say it's one of he most relaxing games I've ever played. Nothing soothes my jangled nerves like pulling the game up and mining ore for a few hours.

…k. Have fun with that!

Do you make a habit of arriving to articles two weeks late, then replying to comments with irrelevant sexism?

I for one welcome Val Kilmer, Counter-Culture Icon.

I guess until the full video dropped, they imagined there was some sort of "Well, there's two sides to every story" plausible deniability.