
" Floor one, Women's Shoes! Floor two, Junior Apparel! Floor three, Domestic Abuse!"

Jump Street Two: Threelectric Boogaloo

Seriously! If we're going to start removing black athletes that punch women, it's a slippery slope to cutting Balrog out of Street Fighter.

"I Have No Legs And I Must Cheat"

I loved Roger Ebert. The man had such an intense love for movies, and for the world in general. That's why his review of North always bothered me. How could a frivolous little piece of popcorn entertainment drive anyone, let alone such a fundamentally good man, into such a rage?

If you have the DLC, there are actually 12 squad members in 2 (mainly because the plot is a riff on the Dirty Dozen formula) and if you take the time to talk to them between missions it's surprising how much thought went in to giving them actual personalities and unique backstories. That was my biggest problem with 3,

The menus weren't THAT bad, granted, but it is annoying when I just want to drive around and find cool stuff.

My girlfriend bought a used PS3 a few months ago, so we've been working our way through everything we missed last console generation. Right now we're doing Uncharted 3, which is turning out to be more trouble than it's maybe worth. We both love the games, but for some reason 3 just won't quite work right. I've looked

I didn't so much hate the Mako as I haed blindly driving around a teensy little grid looking for stuff to do, then having to go through a bunch of menus and loading screens just to find the next teensy little square with maybe-stuff to do.

Well, I wasn't GOING to spend the weekend beating Mass Effect 2 for the eighth time, but now I am. Thanks for putting it in my head. Jerk.

More like "You've got green on you"! Because… because you're jealous.

DC did a big "EVERYBODY GETS POWERS" storyline back in the 90's (Bloodlines), where aliens injected peoples spines with superjuice or something and ushered in a new wave of characters with rad 90's names like Nightblade and Razorsharp. I think Hitman was the only character to build any sort of fan base, and I'm pretty

Future's End has been pretty uneven so far. You occasionally get an issue like last week's, which gives some fun action and a totally awesome answer to a major question (namely, who the mysterious new masked Superman is). But too many issues have felt like a whole lot of go-nowhere setup. Some of them don't even end


Nah, Masturbating Fireman was actually a Japanese arcade game.

He never said it was PLAYING in theaters. He just has to carry the movie into the lobby of like two places, and bam.

I'm guessing the sassy black man in the trailer is Steppin Fetchit.

Uh… Uh, something about the BB gun from A Christmas Story DAMMIT YOU PEOPLE TOOK ALL THE EASY ONES

Remember, this is a man whose birthday party consisted of like two other people and some Subway sandwiches.

"It's all for you, Jesus! It's all for you!"
~hangs self with tinsel~