
Screw you, dude, we Crom worshipers laugh at your stupid attempts to appease your puny god.

I sincerely hope the Alamo Drafthouse by me shows this, I'd love to get hammered during it.

That's also a fair point. I guess my main problem with Man of Steel wasn't a lack of jokes, but a lack of uplift. The climax of a Superman movie shouldn't really be a 45 minute city-destroying fist fight, it should be Superman doing everything he can to save everyone he can. It shows a distinct lack of imagination in

It's… uneven. The main GL book has mostly been Hal Jordan morphing from Boring Hero Guy to Boring Corps Leader Guy. The GL line as a whole has been suffering a bit. I feel like the new creative team saw Johns was going from big crossover event to big crossover event and decided to replicate that, but didn't seem to

Ahhh, I never read the pre-New 52 stuff but I've hard that complaint before. I was thinking of reading some of it soon.

Oh god, the Pieface thing… I mean, hindsight is 20/20, but Jesus, DC…

The classic JL lineup is great, but it's also the whitest bunch of white people to ever white. Cyborg is a pretty cool black hero who I imagine built a fanbase outside of comic readers with the Teen Titans cartoon. It makes sense to me to put him on the team.

Oh! Gosh, totally forgot about Batman. Yeah, The main book is spectacular, Zero Year in particular. I enjoyed a lot of Nightwing, and I love how Grayson is developing so far. My favorite Bat-book so far though has consistently been Batman and Robin, even after it turned into Batman and Guest of the Week. I loved the

After suffering through their Larfleeze series, I think we can be thankful.

"Diana Prince. Stripper. Whore. Eighteen years old. She's the angel on my shoulder and the devil in my bed. She's a Wonder. She's a Woman. And she has me lassoed."

I caught up fully with the New 52 stuff recently (long time Marvel fan, wanted to see how the Distinguished Competition is doing) and aside from the early Green Lantern stuff and some of Forever Evil (I really like Geoff Johns, especially when he's writing Lex Luthor) I have no idea what they're doing. Especially to

I anticipate the sequels, Justice League 2: Cry For Justice and Justice League 3: We Let Frank Miller Write This One Lol

The Avengers model was more "Let's build a few successful franchises and loosely connect them so we have a built in audience when we draw it all together." This is "Let's make a movie with a bunch of superheroes, apparently people like movies with lots of superheroes."

Whoah, you guys, Zack Snyder has a Disqus account.

Whoah, wait, Parallax was in that movie? I just remember a giant swirly dog turd.

Not every superhero movie needs jokes, but if you're going to do a big shared universe, it seems silly for every franchise to be all grimdark. Case in point: Dwayne Johnson is apparently going to headline the Shazam movie. He only really works as an actor when you give him something sorta light and goofy.

Good news: Young Justice is going to be appearing on an upcoming episode of Teen Titans Go.

I'll agree, with the caveat that those last Pierce Brosnan movies got way too silly.

As long as there's a scene of like, I don't know, a dead-eyed Hawkman unaware he's weeping as he masturbates over Hawkgirl's bed, I'm cool with it.

There was a time when I was genuinely afraid every superhero movie would end up going the Dark Knight route: moody, grim crime dramas that just happened to feature recognizable, bankable characters. Personally that trilogy didn't do as much for me as the Burton movies (I like my superhero movies suphero-y), with the