
My favorite part is her terrible, weird banana-face.

It's more about context. Manara doesn't belong drawing a mainstream superhero cover in his usual style any more than John Romita Jr belongs drawing erotica. Let the porn guy draw his porn, let the comic guy draw his comics, and everyone is happy.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to say it here, but seriously, who at Marvel thought that was up to their quality standards? Beyond the gross sexism and everything, it's just a horribly drawn piece of art. Search Spiderwoman on DeviantArt, and I guarantee the firs page of results will have something better drawn,

May the headlines read: "THAD BOYD: EQUOID ENJOYED!"

"Oh honey, it's such a shame we had to visit your sick aunt who doesn't own a tv and thus had to miss the Oscars last night, so we have no idea what won best picture! Right? Isn't that what we were doing last night?"

I saw Crash because it won the Oscar.

- Hundreds of LOTR fangirls

Okay, I'll take the bait.

Oh, I'm sure it was 5 Mind-Blowing Connections You Won't Believe You Didn't Notice In Famous Tarantino Movies or something.

They call that a California Krabby Patty.

I would watch the hell out of any of those.

I normally hate the "Cartoon character in the real world!" thing. The Smurfs did it horribly, and Fat Albert did it even worse. The one saving grace here, which is convincing me this may be worth seeing, is it doesn't look like we're going to be spending half the movie with some stupid normal guy having to deal with

I was gonna say Nineteen Hatey-Four but I'm saving that for my anarchist hardcore band.

Hate Crazy Nights

I was really enjoying Tarantino's string of revenge fantasies for ethnic groups he himself doesn't belong to. If he has to do another western, why can't it be like, abused Chinese railway workers rising up against their bosses with kung-fu?

"I was much more into the Terminator back when he was trying to kill us, this new stuff is just so safe, you know?"

On September 26th, 2014, the city of Portland becomes self aware. It launches scarves and shaggy haircuts at the city of Austin, knowing it will retaliate. The event will be known as Judgment On Your Taste In Music Day.

Thanks for the new Disqus profile pic!

Wasn't Mark Harmon in School for Dudes?

Hey man, Celebrity Skin was… was alrightish.