
I adore Michaela. She is fierce as fuck.
Jay is disgusting.

Has there ever been contestants as weak as CC and David? Did it stand out so much because they were on the same team? Holy shit, it was simultaneously frustrating and embarrassing.
I wish that both CC and David could have been voted off last night. CC: an overall bad player with no luck. David: an overall bad

Really REALLY surprised at the high rating on this. Watched it once and that will be my only time.
If the parents were so great, why are their three kids so fucked up? Love Sterling K Brown as an actor and he does a great job here, but wondered about the deep resentment toward a man he never met. His

Loved the "Awkward Black Girl" series and am loving "Insecure."

The show was great. Was worried about the segue from the webs series. Issa Rae is amazingly charming. The show is smart and funny.

Did not like this episode. Katya won the lip sync; how Ru chose Alsaka is beyond me. Roxxxy should have gone home. However, I get that Tatianna was more of a threat - so it makes sense to send her home.
I want Katya or Alyssa to win at this point.

"You're very smart and pretty - is that what you want to hear?" Love that line from Annalise to Michaela.
Which brings me to: I want to know more about Michaela and Connor's background. Annalise mentions her "bad family." How bad? She ended up with Aiden, who Connor fucked. These two students would be good to know

I love the show and felt Season 3 continued to be compelling. It's amazing (and attests to the adroit skill of the actors) that I WANT to watch self-centered privileged people over and over.
I adore Sarah more than any of the family. She's gloriously fucked up. Amy Landecker should be getting those Emmy nods over

True, Amazon has it, but please note that it is available *only* in standard definition, it's censored, and must be bought (seasons 4 to 6 are available with Prime).

Definitely unpopular.

Sava's recaps are so spot on. Love them.

Watch Katya's vlog on YouTube. She says she repeated Chad's words because Chad won and maybe the same would happen to her.

Ha ha. Okay, which songs? (I have listened to it again and, JUST LIKE I PREDICTED!!!, other songs are growing on me.)

I've listened to BLONDE a couple times.
Like others have commented, it's like CHANNEL ORANGE - it'll require a few listens to familiarize self with the layers and learn the lyrics.
There are a few stand outs: songs that are just catchy: Ivy, Pink + White, Pretty Sweet (the album's best track: Prince-influenced combined

72 hours ago many articles reported that Apple reps expected the Frank Ocean album to be released within 24-72 hours. I programmed it in my phone to remind myself. The reminder went off 2 hours ago.

You have excellent points.
JLD is fantastic and I can't think of anyone on TV who can perform as well as she does. But the last few episodes, and particularly the finale, made me feel *sad*.
Usually I rewatch the episodes because the episodes are multilayered and there are jokes I might miss the first time. Also, I

No mention of our wonderful Richard Splett choosing Abercrombie interns?! And then begging like a child at a toy store to keep them? That was AWESOME.

Thank you for your response.

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