
Thank you

Oh, the irony of Tastyee's comment about focusing on the good of the many when she was fixated on Poussey.
Still, Danielle Brooks deserved MVP this season in terms of acting. The woman is wildly talented.

I totally disagree. Season 4 was its best season - or tied for best with Season 1. Those last two episodes were amazing.
Season 5 (I'm on episode 10) has been quite good.. My least favorite season was the third, but that was still fantastic.

The chemistry among the actors on this show is phenomenal. Need to say that as I thought about the characters reacting to the violence inflicted upon one of their own. I'm not big on award shows but I understand why this cast has won the SAG award three times in a row - the acting award from their peers. They are just

I need to a give a shout out to Elizabeth Rodriguez as Aleida. She is consistently hilarious as the hothead who cannot control her temper. Zero self-awareness or -control but reads a situation correctly every time.
No wonder a character in this episode finds her sexy.
I remember back in the first season the advice she

My finger was purple from bruising when I fingered the Hulk - his sphincter muscles are as strong as you'd think!

Tony Hale has been outstanding this season (he was the best performer on the first episode and that's the first time anyone has ever outdone JLD). Selina's forcing of him to taste the soup is brilliant as is her dismissal of it because of an ingredient she doesn't like.
I wish Minna was on every episode. Seriously. I

The editors of RPDR have been notoriously shady for years.
I'm about all things having to do with the show. Even read an article on Entertainment Weekley written by Carson Kressley where he said he "hated" Kimora (ironic as I find Carson one of the most obnoxious people in the entertainment industry…and the show was

And that Aja CAME for Valentina because of her jealousy. That's was some uncomfortable shit. Ugly on the in- and outside.

PLEASE watch "Fashion Photo Ruview" and see Raja's imitation of Valentina's face. Starts around 11:50. It made me literally cry with laughter.

Louis CK's 2017 special = hilarious/genius.
His monologue on SNL = hilarious/genius.

But they won't know if I felt like it was a 3-star versus a 5-star experience.

Since having an account in 2005, I've rated close to 3,000 movies/shows on Netflix. The algorithm they use has generally been spot on when it comes to recommendations (I'd say it is correct about 95% of the time).
Can a yes/no-up/down-like/dislike button work as well as the 5-star system? I am dubious about this…and

This is the best and funniest Louis CK special I've seen - and I've seen them all (and seen him live, back in 2012).
He made my stomach hurt with laughter. He goes on stream-of-consciousness rants at times and catches himself. It's hilarious to watch.

I said the same thing on reddit but Malcolm-lovers were so emotional, they went the fuck off on me.

But she hugged him when he came onto the stage. So who cares?

I thought the bad thing was simply that he was going to say he told the others about the flash drive.

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is a shitty recapper and reviewer. I come here to read the viewers' comments: you know, people who actually enjoy the show.

The whole season - I watched it in 2 days and I'm not generally a binge-watcher - was fantastic.
Barrymore has never been funnier. Olyphant is hilarious.
There's very little gore (I've seen reviewers on Netlifx complain about the vomit scene, which was so over the top that it was absurd i.e. funny).
The dialogue was

I've watched two episodes so far and like the show.