
It's pretty clear that Trump is in NO way capable of dealing with any of the responsibilities of the Presidency. We need to stop examining his every tweet, blurb or press conference for real information or direction, and pay attention to the wholesale destruction and looting of the public treasury and resources that

Exactly. And everyone in the class is elderly.
The lawyers are crooks - most of the plaintiffs probably have 10 good years left, at most. Let them get a nice pot of cash so they can go on a cruise, leave the rest to their kids and grandkids.

Yeah, I was at distracted at the open, wondering how he survived wandering around the dusty highways with untreated 3rd degree burns on his leg. Not sure of the timeline, but it seems to be a couple of weeks since he burned down the ranch last season and everyone else hit the road.
Did he find a nicer hotel to hang


The John Carter score is really good. As is Desplat's for The Painted Veil.

I certainly preferred it to the endless L&O procedurals.
It was refreshing to have a cop show set somewhere other than NYC, the cases had a bit of local flavor…although it was probably filmed in Toronto?

I'm right there with you. Chugging Pepto to allay the effects of undercooked turkey or botulism flavored dressing is not my idea of celebrating a 4-day weekend with the family.
I usually bring the wine and some dessert and stick with that.

Organic. Gluten free. Artisanal. Bespoke. Sell that tree rat for $50 a pound to the hipsters.

Hey, Lochte's a dad now. Hopefully the kid will inherit some brains from his mother.
Oops…PeopleMag says BabyMama is a "model". Well, at least the kid will be cute.

That's 2-time Oscar nominee Jonah Hill !

So there's a shirtless cookie fight in the deleted scenes on Civil War Bluray?

Great idea. Set it up as a 527 SuperPAC, collect taxfree contributions, conduct some "research" in NYC, LA, Cannes…profit!

Truth. Silly yt girls used to tease me in college when I was slathering lotion all over before braving the New England winter. Saw them 20 years later - my 75yo Mom looks younger than those dried up cows.

And way back on Flashforward, John Cho and Gabriele Union were the most beautiful couple. Ever.

He's probably going to declare Mar-a-lago a federal disaster zone and get some of that FEMA cash to fix the joint up. You never can have enough (taxpayer funded) gold faucets.

Here's $10MM from your local VC (Russian mob money launderers) for your brilliant idea!

Great idea. That's a sporting event White guys could dominate, help them get their pride back. 😈

Yeah, but he's such a WATB that he'd probably have his bodyguards break your legs, and with Trumpcare you won't be able to get treated and will end up living under the overpass, mumbling to yourself.
He's not worth it, think of your family.

Who would take on the role of the DJ now that Lynne Thigpen is gone?