
It looks like Tucker Carlson is in the lead for the Ballwasher-in-Chief position. Lamest-duck Gov Chris Christie has fallen way back. First Lady Melania noped out of competition shortly after giving birth to Barron Trump in 2006.

And is planning to air the episodes in the following order 1,4,2,n,7,-6 on alternate Saturdays or Mondays, except when there's football or maybe turkey races.

Brought to you by Carls Jr.

I worship you.

Preach. And always have your go bag ready. I've seen companies lay off folks and give them 30 minutes to depart the premises. Not a good situation if you've got all your side gig files on your company-owned PC or phone.

"An accident, Dolores, can be an unhappy woman's best friend."

More Lance Reddick, please.
I'm OK with the expanded John Wick universe as long as Key & Peele's Keanu is part of it. I'd love to see the further adventures of that gangsta cat.

Car "mysteriously exploded" or engine stopped or accelerated while in garage - or pacemaker stops abruptly - thank you Russian hackers. ☹

Yes! More MurderDeathKill!

Yeah. Been through it twice with close family members. It's almost always fatal, especially for someone McCain's age. Wasn't this the same type of cancer Sen Ted Kennedy had?

I'm with you. I start my day with a cup of Irish Breakfast (more Assam, bolder than English Breakfast), switch to a Tippy Yunnan mid-afternoon, then an Oolong after dinner. Tea forever!

Well done! You win all the Internets.

Bowtie Cinemas are the joint in my part of Jersey. Half-price Tuesdays, with any size popcorn for $5.


Yeah. Here in NJ, you can buy all of those "fancy meats" at any ShopRite or Subway in the state.
And when Brooks said his HS grad friend felt more comfortable eating Mexican - did they go to Taco Bell or Chipotle or some other diarrhea factory? Around here, elites stumble over themselves to find the most authentic

Nah. The goal is to get a more sane country to invade us and run things for a while.

Or when he's grilling her date about drinking and driving "I've got a 45 and a shovel. I'm sure you won't be missed."

+100 for Coriolanus. That film is so amazing - and Butler is quite good, even against Ralph Fiennes and Vanessa Redgrave.

Brought to you by Carls Jr.