
Too bad Ringling Bros just closed down. Maybe The TwistyBendyGOP high wire act could have saved them.

"It's just a flying saucer, Ed. We gotta go!"


Brought to you by Carls Jr.

His father had Alzheimer's.

But with a lot less singing.

Unfortunately, the Trump gang forgot about the oblige part.

Chapter 7: How to make Toilet Wine

You're not trying very hard to be fat. You gotta consume at least 1000 extra calories of chips, candy and soda to beat those furriners!
America must win the Obesity War! USA! USA!

This whole enterprise sounded like something Tom Haverford and Jean-Ralphio would have schemed up for Entertainment 720.

That's pretty much every boy I've seen aged 7-15 in my neighborhood. Basketball shorts and down parkas in January.
It's great to be young and indestructible.

Queen Sugar is about people we seldom see on TV, rural Black folks. Beautifully filmed, S1 was directed by women, many of them WOC. Yet no coverage?

She'll probably comment on how Dr Bethune is a real up-and-comer and we should be hearing big things from her in the future. Maybe she can work with that Fred Douglass?

You must also appreciate Viggo Mortensen's willingness to go nude, too. His full nude shot in Captain Fantastic got big laughs at the showing I attended. The 75yo ladies sitting near me started clapping.

Sipped from an elephant tusk spoon.

I love American Crime. Felicity Huffmann is killing it this season.

They're selling a really stupendous gold filigreed white hood in the IvankaTrump MAGA line.
Made in China.

Every attendee/sucker gets a stupendous swag bag with bigly gifts like Samsung's "Sparkling" Note 7, Chipotle "Coloncleanse" Burritos, B&L "Redeyes" contacts, Ivanka Trump goldlead-plated bracelet!

Agree. It's possible she was a teacher, nurse or civil servant in Haiti.
Just like half of the cab drivers in NYC are from Asia or Africa and have college degrees. And are multilingual.

Exactly. Coates has been a pillar of the community and a manufacturer with a very good reputation. He inherited a vibrant business; he doesn't want to be the one to see its demise.