
like Jerri Blank on Strangers with Candy.

Haha. That's what happens when you outsource your PR to Wikipedia.

And that magnificent Bernard Herrmann score! One of my favs.

I thought I happened on one that had the lesbian sister of the lead lady finding a girlfriend - but still no sexing.

Yeah, but that was in the hey day of Hallmark Hall of Fame - high quality casts, sorta like PBS, but more accessible.
Now, it just TV pretty White people falling in/out of love, but no sexing.

Yeah. It's irritating when they have a character who supposedly lives in suburban NJ, CT, Long Island but they have them in the wrong commuter rail cars
Or someone catching Amtrak Acela to DC from Grand Central. I know it's prettier than NYPenn, but really?

He'd be a great Melania! Model thin, indeterminate accent…

He's pretty good as a conflicted cop in Street Kings.

I couldn't even make it through the 10 minute Cinemasins video for the first movie, can't imagine losing brain cells watching this mess.

From my own experience, no teen or young adult is going to be too excited about "new" dad, especially if your late father was as wonderful as Jack is portrayed.

Which subway line in NYC has upholstered seats? I thought I saw some kind of patterned fabric, not the usual plastic.


You're a good one!

Cool to know, no Walmart near me though.

Cost Plus World Markets have a decent selection of (mostly snacks and beverages) from around the world. I stop by to get my Pocky fix.

Nah, I figure Trump will tweet himself into a stroke when Alec Baldwin and Melissa McCarthy win all the Emmys in the fall.
Or Melania poisons him.

Production costs were $190MM, it grossed $540MM worldwide. So I guess it could warrant a sequel…but where does the story go after Brad Pitt unites with his family and that little boy they orphaned after forcing their way into the kid's apartment…? 😕

And the Ghostfacers reality shows clogging up the cable channels.

And Trump has a cameo as a smart, insightful, well-read guy with YUGE hands.

I was thinking rosacea or skin cancer? Maybe a birthmark? But his scruffy clothes and general poor grooming don't help at all - get a decent haircut and decide "clean shave or beard". That scraggly facial hair looks like a bus station hobo.
You gotta be Ryan Gosling to pull that look off.