
That's an excellent idea! And if anyone called out that President "HilaryTrump" doesn't look or sound like DonaldTrump, just scream #AlternateFacts!

You win! Best of the day!

And this shows just how petty and childish El Trumpolini is - you'd think he'd want to talk up the show to drive up ratings (more for him as producer). But he's so butthurt that Arnold didn't support him for President that he tweets himself into a nonsensical tizzy.

But there are probably a bunch of actors and production folks down under who will work for less than real "Mark Walburg".
I think King Trump should declare war on them anyway, probably a bunch of terrists!

Nah, they'll probably shoot the whole thing green screen in New Zealand with some Aussies with bad Kentucky accents - stealing good-paying fake American jobs!

You can roll up a Pick5 scratch and snort that Doritos Dust.

Same thing with my mom post colon surgery. Her doctors require patients consult with pain management specialist within 5 days of release. They were very careful about drug interactions and would only give 1 refill of the hard stuff. They have alot of seniors in their practice and mixing pain meds with all the other

I'd watch that show. Lindsey "bitch better have my money" becomes born again nutter.

Yes! With CCH Pounder!
How about Mira Nair's Mississippi Masala with Denzel Washington and Sarita Choudhury?

Well, they're now on the Gubmint payroll, so WE'RE paying for Bannon's 5-martini lunches and Kellyanne's babies' blood transfusions.

Extreme vetting. Two words, works for Trumpulini

Where's my Soma?

When you're in 3rd grade.

I hadn't watched this show in over a year. Dropped in last night, hoping to get a reprieve from Trumpmania. I loved it! It was so easy to get right into the story, even though I had been away for a long time. Cast is perfect!

I was looking at global grosses (that's where Equalizer is #3), and where an action film might be a bigger draw than a straight drama or biopic.
That said, I'd probably shell out $12 to see Equalizer 2 or even the further adventures of his characters from Flight or Inside Man.

According to BoxOfficeMojo, The Equalizer is #3, after Safe House and American Gangster.
Many of his other (lower grossing) films are biopics or have characters that die.
He's had a long, distinguished career, good bet to win another Oscar this year. There's nothing wrong with making a pile of money doing an enjoyable

Yeah, I was wondering if that red nose was rosacea or skin cancer. He should ask Trump for makeup tips.

Well, Safe House made more money, but his character died. American Gangster was biopic, ended with his character going to prison - maybe he could do a sequel about a senior citizen crime lord?

I think Denzel likes money. The first movie cost $55MM and made $192MM worldwide. He was a producer, so I sure he got Paid.

Alexa? Suri? Cortana?