
Oh no! Hopefully you've been able to find a good cheese shop - some yummy triple cremes…

Eww! And then either your heart or your colon explodes?

Haven't seen the film, but I'd suspect the reason an attractive woman might choose to pay for sex with a professional is the same as why good-looking guys do -
2)the person will go home afterwards

Definitely avoid the 24/7 tv. But I don't think Trump "walking back" his comments is heartening. We know he never thought he'd get elected. I'm more concerned about the Rogues Gallery he's appointing to actually run things - those folks could do some serious damage.

I can't imagine willingly paying money to spend 2 hours watching Washington insider craziness after the onslaught of tweets, TV ads, debates, talking head babble of this election season. And now stressing over the impending kleptocracy that is taking over the White House.
I picked the wrong time to stop sniffing

Queen Sugar on OWN. Ava Duvernay has created a well-written, sublimely acted, gorgeously filmed series about a type of family we don't often see in TV - rural black folks.

That's like the time I was hungering for Popeye's and they ran out of chicken! And the only person who could make more chicken was on break?

Hawaii Five-O gets no love. Show has been diverse from day 1.

The trailers look so boring, I'm convinced I'd probably fall asleep watching this - waste of $13 and a bucket of popcorn.

It has a good score by Michel Legrand, too.

Upvoted for "misery porn".


Can you fish, or do you have a green thumb, maybe you're a medic? You can join our team.
I was a Girl Scout, Mom was a Scout leader - we know how to do much more than selling cookies!

Yeah. Visuals were great. Story, acting was meh. Glad I saw it on a halfprice Tuesday.

These people are all beyond stupid. I guess we have to figure they all have some kinda genetic plot armor to survive the zombie apocalypse.
My Mom has her ZA plan all figured out - hit the local Bass Pro Shop and stock up on golf drivers, water purification kits, camping gear. Then we loot Walgreens for sunscreen,

Roller Derby girls, maybe?
I could see packing them in a car to use when gas ran out. But those skates are heavy - I'd figure we'd be seeing skating dead, not an abandoned backpack..

I caught a few minutes of The Talking Dead - he cleans up real good. Nice little man bun, very cute.

Well, in 3 months they could be harvesting greens, peas, tomatoes. Must have run across a garden supply store in their travels.

And Viggo Mortensen.

I've heard that El Presidente Trump has late-stage syphilis or sciatica or maybe endometriosis. People are saying that. You can google it.