
Damn, Lisa Bonet knows how to pick her men.

Yeah. I gave it 3 episodes, but there are just too many good shows to watch to keep Timeless on the list. I'm out.

Watch Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin in "The Last King of Scotland". That's how it's done. Scary as fuck.

Rhodey's not a Marine.

Visually, it was amazing - worth the 3D upcharge. But the plot was really threadbare, the supporting characters were very thinly drawn, and Tilda Swinton's Celtic Ancient One in Nepal was totally WTF?!
Cummerbatch was a little too dry and passionless for me to be that interested in further adventures of Dr Strange. C+


Nah. I think she's older than 25. Pussy's too old for Trumpsta's little grabby hands.

Isn't Atwell a furriner? And there were some brown people in it too? Bring back shows with real 'Muricans like Mayberry and The Beverly Hillbillies!

And now that he's President, I guarantee you those tax returns will be as elusive as Obama's Kenyan birth certificate.
I sure picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

Given the global market freefall in reaction to His Excellency Trump, cooking meth in an RV looks like a good business option.
Payment in euros, yen, gold bars, Starbucks gift cards…no Trumpbucks!

Don't worry 'scro! There are plenty of 'tards out there living kickass lives. My first wife was a 'tard - she's a pilot now!
Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

Mexico is building a wall to keep us out and they're gonna bill President Trump for it.

That scene had me laughing, too. Likely the road repair crew aren't on the alien payroll - they only got a work order to fix the "melted" human shaped spot, not the 2ft pothole!

If he was broken yet, after the starvation, darkness and noise torture - unlike Dwight (and it appears some of the others), Neegan has no one to threaten him with.

I know! What is with these stuck up people? You paid $90 for that orchestra seat, it's yours to do what you want.
I usually take a box at the Met Opera and use the balcony to hang my laundry. It's my money, my time -

"Brenda Johnson - From eating popcorn in her own home to eating fruit cocktail off a prison floor -
This is another case of When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong."

Yes! "Our justice must be swift and merciless. That is all."

Yup. Tom Cruise at his best. He made a very convincing cold-blooded contract killer.

Kamen's score for Band of Brothers was classic.

Channing Tat-Yum!