
Hey, just what you see, pal!

And it's bespoke, artisinal, locally sourced organic Peach Tea.

Moonlight is superb. Don't miss it!

Damn. I want what she's been drinking.

I think the zombies are the least important thing in both of those films. The themes around finding your inner strength and fighting for your "family" really made them enjoyable.

How many of those profiles were for DEAD people? I'm still getting updates and birthday notices from FB accounts of two people who died more than 3 years ago.

Nope. I think Morgan is missing raising his son.

Yeah. My Mom's neighbor has a couple of horses. They're sort of a cross between dogs and cats behavior-wise. They'll come over to strangers if you call them; but when they see you have no treats, they're out.

Try the free-range bespoke artisinal sewer rat. I like mine with fava beans and a nice Chianti.

Yeah. She appeared to be pretty low on talent. I think she was outacted by Susan Hayward's wig in Valley of the Dolls.

Or 666 tatoo.

Trump cable channel is never gonna happen. Costs $300MM+ to launch a new channel - we know Trump isn't going to use any of his money and his rep with non-crooked investors is trash. Plus, the likely viewers (racist cretins) are not an attractive target for corporate advertisers - so forget major ad support.
He could

For real. Beard and dat butt, yum!

Yup. He was yummy as Fleming.

Yup. Use it like a drug tests, credit checks as a condition for employment. Profit.

Pariah was amazing, as was Kim Wayans as the mother. Great drama.

Well, Rick & Darryl's sorghum roadtrip was pretty funny. Chasing Jesus around, leaving their truck in gear and watching it sink into the lake…comedy gold.

Hey, I have one of those old Western Electric touchtone phones in my basement. Thing must be 30 years old - still works.

Eeww! Nobody wants to see that!

I thought Godzilla 2014 was passable, if you saw it at the half-price show. I won't be lining up for the sequel.