
No downside for Netflix. Will probably help them get better talent for their films if they know there will be an Oscar qualifying run for their performance.

Damn regulations!
What am I supposed to do with these free-range babies I've got in my front yard?

Wait, you need a license to get a baby?
Thanks, Obama!

Fleas are so 2014.
I have been curating some artisinal, bespoke bedbugs.

And I just hide those "friends" cause I don’t care if you get xxxx likes/shares.

I've invested in embryos. According to the GOP, they're babies too!
Been getting a NO from the IRS on those child deductions, though.
Maybe if we elect TrumpPence we can get this new business opportunity going?

I've found the small plates menu at Vino Volo to be a great choice. They can pack everything takeout style, are located in many US airports.

I saw 8 open, then -2 to 6. Where did it close? If they thought 15 was a fair valuation…

And ya mo post yo bail!

I go to one by the Park. It has table service, try the appletini brunch.

Chapter 1: The Kennedy Years
Chapter 2: The Hitler Years
Chapter 3: The Ancient Aliens Years
Chapter 4: The Duck Dynasty Years

OMG. I had a Brother MFC for my home office - it did none of the functions very well. I had to replace the ink cartridges every 5 pages, Fax/scans took forever - a bike messenger would have been faster.

I would think they would have loaned the jewelry in Paris, not that she would have carried it from her previous location (US).

Yes! With Giancarlo Esposito!

I thought Michael Bay had teal and orange locked down? I think he has his own Pantone colors!

Yup. They were there a week and already 2-3 hotel residents killed, refugees crawling in from everywhere, security gates busted…
Fear the Los Angelenos!

Or just visit your public library.

Void = Larry the Cable Guy

At first I thought it was something by Herrmann for a Hitchcock film - Vertigo, perhaps.

Nah, I'm older than 10 and happily weigh alot less than 400lbs.
I'll send a telegram to my friends in North Korea or Russia and see if they can help.