
Last time Trump paid taxes there was no internet. You can google it.

The Purge TrumpStyle probably only means only fat people.
Oops, there goes 50% of the population!

Agree on heavy bags. The day will come when I can only carry a bag of cotton balls, until then I appreciate working the guns.

I feel you.
I used to travel a decent amount, 3-4 flights per month.
Unfortunately, so many travelers are just rude and act like animals - they seem to think an airline, train or theater seat is now their home just 'cause they bought a ticket. It's a public conveyance, people!

I was concerned that she would badmouth him, just after he scored some connections with those 2 agents.
But then I remembered she still thinks he's some guy named Alonzo.

What alot of people don't understand about customer service jobs is the difference between what is within control of the worker and what is not.

Now we've found the answer to the mystery in mystery meat.

That doc was really wrenching.

Yes! In high school it was key to have friends who worked at different fast food joints. We'd stop by at shift change and get bags of goodies for the price of a kids meal.
McDs one day, Popeye's the next, then Wendys…

Go away! I'm 'bating!

Art installation? Maybe you could have sold tickets.

And don't assume it's only poor folks - rich people can act like they were raised by baboons.
I worked in high end retail for a while. People would leave dirty diapers in the dressing rooms.
A bit of advice - always wash swimwear, bras, any undergarment - before wearing it.

I thought both Maleficent and Cinderella were visually stunning, but terrible story wise. Just watch with the sound off.

I have a script ready for the Slinky movie. It'll be dark, gritty, PG13.
Gimme money!

Quatermass & the Pit (1967) scared the shit out of 10 year-old me seeing it on Saturday afternoon TV.
Saw it recently on TCM - still creeped me out.

Agree 100%. His menace and power came from a rotten inner core, not from working out in the prison yard.

I have never seen the 2nd or 3rd movie in their entirety. I fell asleep in the theater midway through The Two Towers and I'll just trust others' opinions that Return of the King is a masterpiece.
Avoided The Hobbitt Trilogy - a glass of milk is a cheaper sleep aid than $14 at the gigantaplex.

The wardrobe, especially Blanchett's costumes, was amazing.

In The Winter Soldier, ComputerZola said she was born in 1984. Missed the Cold War.

And it is part of North America - that's how we got NAFTA.