Katherine Pryde

Haven't seen the Chris Carter show yet. Why was it terrible?

I don't think every season needs a big bad! It's refreshing to have mini-arcs that resolve when you least expect them, so you aren't thinking to yourself "oh not much will happen this week because they'll wait till the season finale to do that."

There were 3 episodes between December and March, but the point is otherwise taken.

Anybody who uses the word "awful" to describe this show really needs to come up with new and original descriptors, because "awful" should be reserved for the multitudes of crap on TV like Hostages. There is no universe where a television critic, professional or casual AV club commenter, could describe this episode

"Almost every review states that the show is reaching some kind of maturity, that it's comfortable enough to try something different…."

I related.


The references were kind of a propos though. I dunno, I felt the ep was very sharply written, if not satirically timely.

I kinda think it was a good payoff and call out to where the characters are heading, but that's just my opinion. I can understand the "acting exercises" issue though…..it did feel a bit forced and the characters were on "fast forward revelation" mode.


Textbook passive-aggressive commentary. Either you are being facetious, naive, or trollish. Frankly, neither one is productive to continue this conversation, so I'm on the verge of taking myself out of the equation.

Jesus, really? "Nice to know the man is enjoying his time off and worrying about the important things in his life… it's not like he's the President or anything…"

Yeah, in the same post where you impliedly condemn him for doing so.

Shock and Awe!

You could say the same thing about spending time with his wife and kids. You gonna take that away from him too?

Yeah, I'm making an excuse for a HUMAN BEING taking a DAY OFF wanting to watch a TELEVISION show. God eff'ing forbid. You don't know jack all about my politics or whether mine intersect with his.

Should the man work 24-7 (except for sleeping) and never watch a single TV show? Keep this type of stuff on Breitbart where it belongs.

Poor social media, it really can be a cliche sometimes.

Still have no idea what you are talking about, but oh well.

As soon as I heard the words come from his mouth, I automatically assumed that it was from some internet message board. If true, I LOVE that they're doing this. Hearing a horribly insensitive comment like that actually spoken aloud by a person pokes some well-deserved fun at the originator.