Katherine Pryde

I don't think it's a huge stretch for Katherine Pierce to do whatever she can to take everything she wants. She has it all, and now she wants the boy too.

I don't think the leap of Damon going bad because of Elena is THAT much of a stretch. His character seems a bit regressed now, but I'm sure he will come back stronger.

Where exactly is the statement containing the "spiteful" tone of excluding X-Men continuity? Now I am genuinely curious.

A) The "season-long arc" is only halfway through, so any choices will speak for themselves in May, not in February.
B) Do you realize how inane it sounds to blame a decades-old contractual decision by the corporate headmasters to sign away the X-Men's rights to Fox Studios on the writers of a Marvel TV show in 2014?

Aww, I kinda liked the Simmons speech, and the prostitutes part. The dialogue may not sing like other shows, but I still think it's decent. "I hate undercover" was kind of cliche, but I could see May saying it very unironically.

Nah, they'll be surfing the internet and posting on message boards!

Too black and white! :P

It's not "terrible." Calling this show terrible when there are so many more deserving candidates for the moniker is terrible. It's a decent to good action show. Tonight fell on the good end of the spectrum.

It was good, by a short stretch of the imagination.

I don't really think the dialogue was horrible in this ep. It was actually pretty decent.

Wait, so I loved the episode but Katherine and Nadia's bedside scene where Katherine told Nadia to stop the Traveler business and let her die was all faked for…Damon's benefit? The guy's neck was snapped but they picked the exact moment he'd regain consciousness to go into that? Or is it just assumed that Katherine

Time. Boredom.

ABC have got to be happy with a self-starting show pulling low 2.0s at 8PM. Even Grey's only reaches high 2.0s, and Scandal hovers around 3.0

The show has actually maintained some steady ratings for the last few episodes.