That guy in line

Oh. Well, obviously I don't remember either. I guess, I'd go as far as to say it's not a rip off for anything below 70$. I'll draw the line there.

$29.99 isn't a bad price for an actual shovel, painted by someone you admire. If Lynch were to start selling his own gold shovels, I'd buy one for myself, and a few more for holiday gifts.

He did have a strange expression on his face when Phillip asked if he's the real Coop. But then, it is generally hard to read what's going on behind those dead eyes.

So, now I'm very nervous for Winterfell. If that ice dragon can just fly over the wall, first place it hits will likely be Winterfell. Of course, that would bring it and Bran togeter for some dragon-warging, but I hope he can figure out how to do it before the dragons roast everything.

I can understand that. For me it's not a matter of preference, so much as what I can handle. I can handle being bored for a while. It's when I start getting irritated that things go south.

I have a big problem with the "Cersei dies in labor" theories currently being promulgated, for the simple reason that I hope it's one of the Starks (particuarly Arya) who does it. I need to see some righteous vengeance.

That's the problem. Everyone thinks things will change when they have all the power, and then they start compromising to hold on to that power. If she wants to break the wheel, she should inspire the people to do it.

Dull? Perhaps… but less irritating than watching a bunch of nitwits do things for vague and difficult to understand reasons. I guess it's where you strike the balance.

It ends with the Night King being unmasked to reveal he's actually Littlefinger.

I'm not sure about that. Mostly because they seem to have thought his greyscale was important enought to keep in the show, even though they abandoned the character storyline it was based on. Why nix that character, but then make sure to keep the greyscale part? I think it will play a big role in the endgame,

The whole thing bothers me as well. I wish the show could have, at the least, had one character challenge the feasibility of this idea, and then they could devise some sort of strategy, like maybe tying the wight to a sled?

Me too. He deserves a good slice of pie after everything he's been through.

And in the end, we find out Bob is his own grandpa.

So, according to this theory, both Leland and Sarah were systematically conditioning Laura to be the ideal candidate for the EM's possession/emergence into our world? Yikes! That is a scary thought. But, then, why would Bob/Leland undermine this ultimate plan by killing Laura before the EM has a chance to manifest?

You are right that Norma's squeeze is the showtime execs, but Norma is actually Big Ed, who in turn is Santa Claus. Lynch is the 3rd reindeer.

Interesting idea. So, in the end, all our favorite characters are dead, but Westerosi society has progressed a little. That would be "bittersweet" - as promised.

Yeah, but that could also be where Jon Con's story is headed in the books. I guess we'll maybe one day see where all the book stuff is going, but it seems like this part was important enough for the showrunners to keep the greyscale story, even while eliminating the character.

Hmm, seems I wrote dragonscale in one place and greyscale in another. Must have had dragons on my mind. Thanks, I've edited it.

Yeah, I posted about this somewhere else as well, but I agree there is some larger arc for Sir Stonebottom. I actually wonder if it has something to do with the greyscale infection still being in his system (just reduced) and he'll somehow figure out a way to infect the white-walkers.

Haven't read all the posts here, so not sure if anyone is proposing this theory, but I wander if there's some greater significance to the whole greyscale thing, and Mormont maybe still having a little of it in his blood. If he's just in remission, it's possible he might somehow infect the whitewalkers? I'm not sure