That guy in line

My prediction for the upcoming seven samurai v. whitewalkers battle: two or three of the heros get killed, everyone gets seperated, and the last we see of Gendry is him getting to a rowboat and rowing off to safety.

I had the same thought. Especially given how easy it is to get around Westeros these days. They wouldn't have had a lot of time for the Jon- Arya reunion though. The show might have something big planned for that.

Yeah, letting the dragons fly around is also a problem. They could get hurt. She needs to keep them in a full suit of armor, safely on the ground. Or, maybe in some sort of wagon they can wheel around whenever they need the dragons to spit fire at people. Otherwise, I don't think all these dragons are going to make it.

She needs some sort of armored vest for her dragons. Not only only would it be practical, it could also be cute.

"It is a dragon, though. Should beat everything."

This will make me sleep better until next Sunday.

I'll agree with you. What would they have done without Drogon carrying the team?

Weirwood Tree

I think that's where all this is headed. I hope not, but I'd put imaginary money on it.

One thing that struck me most about this episode is how we got ti check in with all our favorite characters in one ep. I may be wrong, but it seems to me they always had to focus on only half of them per ep. Last night, we got to see Dany, Arya, Jon, Bronn, Jaimey, Sir Onion, Missandei, Brianne, and even Dickon

This surprises me. The way I recall it, everyone was team Hector on that one, and there were still a good deal of unsold Achilles jerseys on the shelf.

Fun episode, especially seeing Dany go into battle on her dragon, with a Dothraki horde behind her, which I've been patiently waiting oh so many years to see.

It's something to do with how much leather they glued onto their breastplates. And whether the breastplates have nipples for ventilation.

Jon: "You've reached the King in North, how may I help you?"
Dany: "Yeah, I'm looking for a Mr. DaKnee. First name Ben."
Jon: "Ben DaKnee? Not this again!"
*snickers followed by a dial tone.

The world's first Memeonomologist!

I like this. Sort of like the Kafka approach to Game of Thrones. And when the White Walkers finally get past the wall, they find an even bigger wall behind it.

Ugh, I don't want to know if its awesome or boring before I have seen it and have made a gut reaction! Now I have expectations!

Sooo, if Bran knows everything that has happened, then presumably he knows Littlefinger betrayed his father.

I get it. I replied to another post here along the lines of how saying it started with the renaissance, to me, seems unneccessarily arbitrary. I was going off your statement that, "it only took off in one of the many civilisations that could be reasonably expected to give birth to it (Europe)". I guess it depends on

Sure, I can live with that. It just seems like an arbitrary starting point to me. Maybe it started with the creation of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad? Maybe it started with the invention of algebra?