
This honest-to-god sounds like a subplot on next season's Silicon Valley

The real "Carl Hanratty" was my grandma's uncle. She never liked this movie because it made him seem frumpy and socially awkward when in real life he was very put-together and happily married - it doesn't make for such a poignant scene though, I know.

At least they sang "Sorry" a lot.

He's adorable. I love that they got an actual teenager to to play a high school/superhero.

They have some of the best chemistry of the whole cast, imo.

The title of this boycott confuses me. Do they not understand women can also be white? At the same time? I'm doing it right now! Look!

This man is a goddamn national treasure.

I've really gotten into Cults of Our Lives - it's not the best sound quality, but it's well-researched and I don't think the two women who host it are older than 22 - they're downright spunky.

It's been over a week and I'm still processing this episode. But I agree, the L&D Brigade was cuter when they were all twenty-one - the fact that none of them seem to have matured or even become more aware of the world around them by their thirties was more depressing and annoying than anything else.

For some reason I thought Darryl's animosity towards Maya was going to be rooted in their mutual bisexuality - him being a little jealous she figured it out so much earlier in life, etc - but the reveal they're both just lonely and awkward and just want someone to dance with

"And I called you Hector because…I'm racist?"

And I've only smoked pot once.

This is how Black Mirror happens.



Fun fact; I got some pretty bad mental whiplash after the episode of veep I was watching on demand ended and this was on TV. Hard to focus on the precociousness when you just heard Vada's grownup counterpart scream about "a salad spinner of fuck!" 😂

And the hits keep coming.

I've been laughing an unreasonable amount at the runner blonde-blue-eyed Portia is supposed to be playing a Latina character. "I'm ethnically ambiguous!"

(I actually could watch Bojack Horseman over and over again, it's my only salve during my really bad depression times) And honestly? Never again with seasons 4-6 of Community. It was too painful to watch it limp on when things ere clearly falling apart in the writer's room and on the casting roster.

I have really mixed feelings about this episode, but I do think the scene where Dean and Rory talk about first loves and make reference to "paying for the cornstarch" were perfect. This revival was best in the little, grounded scenes like that. I wish there had been more.