
I'm home for Thanksgiving and watching the revival with my mom, and at the long-last sight of Mr. Kim, I got the pleasure of seeing a 47-year-old woman screech and then cackle so hard she fell off the couch.

I really liked that little bit about Michel and his equally neurotic husband - the fact that gay people didn't seem to exist in the Gilmore world s1-s7 always bugged me when I was growing up.

"Okay you two, last chance to earn my love!"

I've never seen such an obvious case of untreated bipolar disorder in my life as this man.

As a college student, still-slightly-drugged-out Rebeeca and Valencia enthusiastically agreeing with each others ramblings about the wage gap was truly the most i've ever identified with a television scene.

I loved how he kept repeating that, incredulously, in her face. Ultimate trump card.

Is it bad I kind of cheered at Paul's "lawyer up, bitch"? It was just so refreshing to see him grow a backbone. I also lost it at Jimmy comparing his life to the struggle of undocumented immigrants. The rest of the episode punched me in the stomach repeatedly and it was so painful and great. This is such a good

It's always the penultimate episode of the season and it always knocks me on my ass.

I'm not ashamed to say I cried at Sarah Lynn [REDACTED] this past season of Bojack. I also used to yell "Suck a dick, dumb shits!" back and forth at my boyfriend as a joke but now I just…say it. All the time.

This dude deserves a medal for making it through this bullshit year.

Appropriate. The only reason I got out of bed yesterday morning to give an advertising presentation is because I told myself Peggy Olson would do it.

I adored the cinematography of this episode. The one long tracking shot to the symmetry to the pilot with Gretchen and Jimmy at the end. This show continues to rip my heart out.

Very true. My generation is all about skateboarding into some trash bags and just getting back up again.

This episode was "meh" but I cracked up at "Hey, bro, what's taking so long?" "Oh, the professor tried to kiss me." "Cool. You hungry?"

My sister and several other close relatives are bipolar, and lemme tell you, Rebecca Bunch is 90% musical manic episode

I love how Darryl was just endlessly annoyed with her from day one - tbt to "does anyone have an questions besides Maya, who seems to need to make every meeting about herself?"

I feel like that's one of her character flaws, though, innit. She's optimistic to the point of naivety - she was in an improv trope for like, ten years.

Dorothy's face silently crumbing in frustrated/jealous tears punched me in the gut…but not as much as the "It's I Walk the Line" scene.

"Great job, ya horny monsters!" White Josh deserves an episode all his own.

I played Ursula Merkle in high school and it's one of those purely fluffy, happy shows you need sometimes.