
I'm very excited they introduced the "Good" Eleanor, who I've been wondering about since the pilot. Also, I'm weirdly fixated on the fact that Chidi and Eleanor apparently still have to do laundry in Heaven.

I've got the biggest crush on him - and since I'm only 20 I like to joke it's not totally out of the realm of possibility 😂

You bastard. Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!

I recently really enjoyed Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh - on one level you feel bad for the protagonist, but 90% of the time you're just kind of grossed out and alienated by her, it's great.

Everyone knows women can't be in more than one movie a franchise, it effects our delicate humors and we have to lie down.

I love this. So much.

I really enjoyed their episode, especially how Lacie started smiling at the end with the relief of being able to finally be able to tell someone to fuck off. Also, as with all Black Mirror episodes, it made me ban myself from social media for the weekend, which is probably good for my health.

My biggest laugh was Jake announcing he was a little turned on by Holt threatening to slit their throats.

Your phrasing implies that regular Dennis Reynolds /isn't/ creepy.

This is all Randy's fault.

I cracked up at the Crucible Cast Party - as a former sexually frustrated theater kid, it was the most painfully accurate I've ever seen.

I want "I have depression! I can't become a pilot! That is a fact!" on a damn t-shirt.

I got my Facebook in 2009. When I was thirteen years old. Oh, if we could turn back time…

How very Community

No, I was watching it live. There was an ad for the "Two hour season finale" next week, after the episode.

Or having a seat.

It was very Mad Men it's reveal of no actual plot.

I AM IN A STATE. The writing of this episode was gorgeous and heartbreaking and I'll always be sad if this show is cancelled right when it's finally becoming EXCELLENT. I'm terrified for the finale next week.

My Favorite Murder and Cults of Our Lives are my big true crime ones right now.

Robin Williams remains the only celebrity death I ever cried at (in part because I was very depressed myself at the time) I was eighteen and my sister came running into the kitchen white as a sheet. We ended up watching Good Will Hunting that night.