
I'm shocked Bob and Louise Belcher aren't on this list. "Hawk and Chick" actually made me a little misty.

Desmin Borges was a goddamn all-star in this.

I lost it at "Do you want me to die?" "Honestly? A little."

Oh, I always thought the son was supposed to be a privileged little ass - it led to one of my favorite lines, where Robin Williams snaps at him that he's "a middle-aged f*g" and he's come too far to pretend to be anything different.

Oh man, I need to watch The Birdcage again, that was one of my absolute favorites growing up.

The boardroom scene reminded me of Mad Men in how good writing can make goddamn office arguments brilliantly emotional and shocking and compelling. I was on the edge of my seat for the last fifteen minutes of the episode, because of that + Ryan completing the transition into the self-destructive, paranoid protegee

How have they not aged at ALL.

Okay, now all I want is Lin-Manuel Miranda to play Amy's older brother.

I stumbled across the pilot available early on Hulu and it's fucking terrific. I laughed a lot, especially at Bowie's performance.

I had never seen him before Superstore - my brothers and sisters and I all got into an unnecessarily heated debate about whether Glenn's voice was his real voice just the other day.

Fair point - he may just be an idiot.

The scene with Donna lying drugged out on the grass was cinematically gorgeous. And I initially thought Joe's HIV test was negative, but some of the other comments on here about how reckless he's being have me wavering. It'd be an interesting season cliffhanger if true.

"You misspelled rhythm 14 times."

I'm so excited for this, I've always found this story fascinating. Not to mention, Timothy Simons with those crazy sideburns is making me think of an alternative universe Veep that takes place in 1970s and that's hysterical.

Winston's "I am Theodore K. Mullins, and Nick is my lover on the down-low" monolouge is one of those things that will make me crack up just thinking about it. Give Lamorne Morris an Emmy 2k16.

That all seems true except for the end; I read him has testing HIV-negative in the scene where he started laughing in relief near the end.

"Reid’s been active since 2012" She's a baby! It would still be hella impressive if this was her first role!

Is this season building to Ryan and Joe hooking up? Ryan seems like a Cameron 2.0 that Joe can also boss around - so, like, his dream boyfriend/girlfriend.

The super-hard handshake was the best part. "I like dick and I can crush your fingers, motherfucker."

Oh absolutely. I just figured it was an attempt to make a straight audience understand "THIS GUY IS MEAN. DID YOU SEE HIM WISH AN AIDS DEATH ON A BUNCH OF PEOPLE? IN FRONT OF A BISEXUAL MAN? HE'S *AWFUL*."