
As a bisexual person, I've always had a soft spot for low-key queer characters taking down bigots who dared presume they were straight, so I loved that scene with Joe and the client.

Oh, I just skipped right to the singing.

She's so irritating and she molested her sister AND she makes white feminists everywhere seem racist and sexist. Not a fan.

These headlines are looking more and more like Jack Donaghy post-bender ideas.

The strings in this remind me a little bit of the musical Once. This was incredible.

Maybe it's because I was born in 1996, but this actually sounds hilarious and topical.

"Brown has been arrested, with an LAPD spokesperson saying that he has been formally charged with assault with a deadly weapon."

Honestly, that poor little boy.

Why are people so awful?

Ha! For me it was when he was Fred the guardian angel on Drop Dead Diva when I was in middle/high school

She's such a great little actress. Also way chill - regardless of the situation, I would have cried my eyes out if someone cut off all my hair as a 12-year-old.

Maybe some of us are into that!

Nah, I'm not into xenophobic Trump supporters.

I think my favorite part of the trailer was seeing someone's hands ripping the model of the Titanic in half.

My thoughts exactly, it's kind of…bland? I've kind of got an embarrassingly big crush on Ben Feldman, though, so I hope the show works out the kinks so I can see his pretty face on TV for at least a few more seasons.

Man, the man is nonstop.

When people are in that bad place, they don't really care what collateral damage is called - as you can see with this entire series.


I can't speak for everyone, but I know when I was in the worst of my depression pushing the gas up to 80 and letting go of the wheel was an awfully tantalizing option. That scene hit HARD.

The 11th episode of every season of Bojack is more brutal than the last. It hurts so good.