
The scene where Lindsey smacks Gretchen in the face with a spoon to try and make her feel something before they both just sigh in defeat and stare into space was one of those little, brilliantly authentic moments that I love about this show. I've bee both Gretchen and Lindsey in that situation, and it's great to see

"…And absolutely none of that happened I would love to see you again." Raúl Esparza is kind of an unsung hero this season, Ralph the mouse is hysterically charming.

"It's a dumb movie about a PEGASUS! Unicorns are for babies." Will Arnett has truly found a character that utilizes the best of his grumbly asides.

Ian's expressions during the dinner-table fight were a thing of cringe-humor beauty.

"You Can't Always Get What You Want" on House. Like, I knew the song beforehand but it's all I can see now when it comes on.

"I was an enabler. If you were trying to kick a habit, I'd just give you the thing you wanted."

For some reason I laughed the hardest at the line reading of "When I look at it I see some old turtle. Hello, old turtle. You've aged terribly."

"I'll watch the cute puppy videos with you."
"She has to watch them alone."
"…Diane, I have terrible news."

This poor man and their poor daughter. I wish them all the peace possible.

"Next week all those lawyers are coming to change a lightbulb and I'm just realizing now that was also a joke."

"Do you understand? I wasn't laughing out of genuine enjoyment, it was more like 'who came up with all these terrible ideas?'" Emily is great and, without spoiling anything, I really loved how she affected Todd's emotional journey this season.

I love Will Arnett's stuff and I LOVE Bojack, but I just couldn't get through this one. I couldn't tell if it was a comedy or a drama and it drove me nuts.

"Is it dick pics? See if they spell out a message!"

I also really enjoyed "Generic 2007 Pop Song" and Princess Carolyn's Uggs. I was eleven was year and those two things were the largest parts of my life.

I don't feel this seasons 11th episode was AS brutal as Escape From L.A., but maybe I've just become a little more dead inside. It's still a lot though.

I really love this season. It was visually stunning and so funny and sad. Also Todd being asexual and Diane having an abortion were so topical and well-executed. Already excited for season 4.

Yeah, okay, the bisexual latino Obyern would REALLY be a Republican. Sure, Jan.

I went outside at work in South Boston today to eat lunch and I saw a pack of like, fifty people playing that stupid game and bumping into each other and parked cars. It's like a goddamn episode of the Twilight Zone

Oh my God yeah, the scene with Charlotte and her daughter? I had to pause it and get up and walk around the room for a minute, it was just too dark.

I'm so flipping excited. This is the best comedy about clinical depression ever.