
I think it was referring more to the abuse in the Catholic church.

As someone who was born and raised in Southie, I may have laughed a little too hard at "The Catholic Church really did a number on that town." too real, Gilfoyle.

How very Community.

I honestly don't know how they can move forward from this point; I feel like the show should've ended here, and dragging it out for another experimental season is just going to tarnish it's legacy.

That scene with Ramos at the end made me physically GAG. I couldn't eat for the rest of the day.

My favorite was Will detailing his elaborate plan to make Furlong's death look like an accident.

Okay, I am so fucking excited for this and I WILL cry watching it. Gross and ugly and without shame.

I think I laughed the hardest at Dan starting to make the scissoring motion with his hands and then deciding it wasn't worth it to explain Catherine's Oedipal complex to her.

I feel the exact same way. Maybe it's because a Brit was running the show before now, but seasons 1-4 were just drier and darker in their comedy in a way I really miss this season.

I loved him in Charlie Bartlett and the Star Treks. So young. So sad.

In the Heights is the REASON I got into Hamilton last summer - I was one of thousands who adored it growing up.

He's so fucking cute. I'm attracted to the guy who plays Jonah Ryan and I feel fine.

"If you were like, 10% less black, I could get you elected president." This show is going off the fucking rails and I'm loving it.

"Sit down, you Pepperidge Farm ad motherfuckers!"

Oh my God he's SO cute in those glasses! The whole look Dan bullies him into makes him look like a 1950s NASA engineer, which is apparently my thing because I watched Apollo 13 too much growing up.

From what I've seen on Instagram I think those might be Timothy Simons' actual glasses.

"That wood he's chopping… it's not gonna burn right."

I laughed, probably too hard, at the Cloud 9 tie-in. Crossover?

"I liked the kid…but I didn't like that he was standing near him. I was like, 'run kid.'"

I was in hysterics from Jonah busting out from behind the two way mirror with very hurt feelings. This episode was beautiful.