
"You're going to the special level of hell reserved for child molesters, and people who talk at the theater."

I swear to God this show works better than my antidepressants. I can't wait for July!

"…Richard, would you like to come to Thanksgiving at my house?"

This was a fantastic episode with black humor coming out of it's ears, and it was the little moments that really sold it for me - like Kent having a cat named Fibonacci. I feel like the new season and writer's are finally hitting their stride.

Slightly embarrassing, but the scene of Schmidt stepping on the douchebag jar made me tear up a little.

Willa laugh/crying when coming out was so sweet and real (and slightly painful for personal reasons) her and Danny's relationship is one of my favorite on the show.

Anna Chulmsky's horrified delivery of "Grossss" when finding out Dan slept with her sister made the character for me. And poor fuckin' Mike.

I was lucky enough to see it over Spring Break and it was wonderful, it's inevitable 10-14 wins are well deserved.

I can't even imagine what he's going through, and my heart breaks for his little girl. Sending peace and good vibes.

See, I think I'd reverse Dan and Jonah - They've said a couple times Dan is from upstate New York, near Cornell, and Jonah seems like he'd be a big douche who'd be way too into that Dartmouth frat scene.

I loved loved LOVED Rent as a 12-14 year old in the mid-2000s, but when I watched the recording of the 2008 stage show (featuring Renee Goldsberry of Hamilton fame) a few months back on Netflix, the characters, Mark in particular, came off very entitled and unsympathetic. To paraphrase Ilana Wexler, "I know it sucks,

The episode's pacing felt a little off to me, if that makes sense? Like, they were taking a lot more time to let jokes land and I'm not sure I liked it. That being said, Amy and Sophie's weird contentious relationship is SO spot-on sisters, every time they bring her back I laugh because it's too relatable. Who hasn't

I was joking that Ben must have been the old Jonah while watching Ben's mentor rattle off all the mean nicknames they used to call him and my boyfriend intoned with "There will always be men like you" - Jonah growing up to have Ben's malevolent competence is terrifying.

I also loved seeing the new Star Wars in theaters, with my dad, grandpa, and little brothers. My grandpa had taken my dad to see the originals in the theater back in the 1970s, so I thought it was really nice to bookend that.

"Who am I to disagree with our new gay pope?" Made me choke on my drink - 21st Catholicism is my favorite.

I laughed so hard at the disaster where all the Secret Service agents turned on Sue. It was so horrible and top-notch cringe humor. It's tied for funniest moment with Jonah repeatedly hitting his head trying to get up from his cupboard-under-the-stairs desk.

"Amy, with a Y, like normal."

Their very proud mothers.

That's a midterm year, Jonah.

I'm not crazy about Sam but I loved the detail that he had two dads: that's just not something you would've seen on TV five years ago and the normalization of LGBT people makes me so happy.