
I'm not the one picking a fight with a teenage girl who shared her opinion in the comments of a website. See again; chilling out.

The men knee-jerk snapping in the comments of this article and all others following this story are really only proving the point of performative allyship.

Wasn't this an episode of Psych?

This is surprising. The entire thing made me go "eh."

Have you considered: chilling out?

I blame Ongo Gablogian.

I feel like the other three series had timely social commentary attached to them - Matt & disability, Jessica & rape culture, Luke & institutional racism - whereas Iron Fist came off, at least to me, as simply "what if we smushed Iron Man and Doctor Strange together?"

I LOVED that Donna and Cameron came to the forefront, and the commentary of how women in STEM have been treated since it's inception is wonderful - along with exploring Joe's bisexuality during the AIDS crisis, this is one of the sneakiest progressive shows of today.

One of my favorite sleeper hits. Can't wait for season 4 but sad to see it go.

Also, having David Hyde Pierce appear via Skype, in a hoodie, with his Frasier Emmys on the shelves behind him took "minimal effort cameo" to a new level and I loved it.

"What an odd way to wrap a present."
"Well, it makes it easier for multiple takes."

Was Eric's "resurrection flashback" supposed to be a parody of that ridiculous episode of Sherlock? Either way, I cackled.

"I keep seeing her eyes." "This is our life now." As always, McKinley was the MVP of this WHAS excursion.

I think I missed that one - what happened? Was she, like, noticeably fragile?

This is every day in North Korea.

GOB's not on board.

He can't get out of it, he already moved it twice.

They both did the heavy lifting on this. And I think part of that was due to the fact that Fred Savage is so damn charming and Billy Eichner is…Billy Eichner.

"Wow! Women really can be anything except president or late night talk show hosts!"

The show was altogether inoffensive, with a handful of genuinely funny moments - Fred Savage's character responding to "You're gay." with "Yes, it's one of my greatest accomplishments." made me cackle.