
Veep for sure. Gary somehow gets mistaken for an inmate and Jonah is shivved.

Ugh I don't want Ann Coulter anywhere near the White House, even a pretend one.

I think they need to add Reid Scott and Ben Feldman to this list; I was constantly confusing them for each other until about three months ago.

Did she at any point start jumping up and down and singing "I'm So Excited I'm So Excited!"

Look at who you quoted and think about what that means.

Why are we listening to a guy who hasn't been relevant since 2005?

I'm pretty excited for the new season of Bojack Horseman, not gonna lie.

There's no need to be snarky. I'm just saying he has a very large audience and he said some good things.

Bravo JStew. You're one of the good guys.

A great man and a fitting tribute.

I loved his "if I can help JUST ONE MAN" speech at the end - it was awkward and cringey and weirdly kind of poignant, just like Jonah himself.

My favorite Jonah nickname was definitely "The Cloud Botherer"

The fourteen-year-old girl I once was just squealed a little bit - oh, I adored this show, I used to watch it with my mom every week.

I remember when she won a Tony a couple of years ago her dresser got this big and mushy thank you - they're like best friends.

You're right, that's shit too. Just in general, I'm so sick of people who get rich off of having NO ideas.

My five siblings and I have an age range of ten years apart, so we watched SO many cartoon movies. Normal people can not quote the entirety of the 2007 animated feature Surf's Up. I realize this.

As a struggling writer, I actually had to walk out of my office and do a lap while taking soothing breathes after hearing this. Fuck thinly veiled plagiarism people benefit from.

This is the true boiling point.

No! The finale was bitter sweet and got the job done and the show is out of ideas. LET IT DIE WITH GRACE.

Don't you dare bring Dead Poets Society into this, conservative right.