
CBS, don't be the last guy in the congo line.

The Station Agent is one of my all time favorite films - I can't believe Sandler has dragged Thomas McCarthy into this insanity.

"New rule in the Cube - if your name begins with D, shut the fuck up!" I could watch Dan and Jonah berate each other all day. Also, Hugh Laurie had some awesome outbursts that were a little House-remincinst in a very funny way.

What a bunch of fuckheads.

What about a detective who's really mean and rude to everyone around him, but, here me out, is the best detective in the business?

"It's not a joke unless ALL can laugh at it!" Richard is so adorable, and his steadfast adoration of Jonah mirrors Gary and Selina in a very funny way.

I just feel sorry for her. She's clearly very ill and the constant media mocking probably isn't helping.

All I hear when the "MRA" talks is "I've never actually touched a woman who wasn't related to me."

The "I love you" and almost kiss at the beginning was SO cringe inducing. Gary's thirst for Selina is so real.

Oh my God this is the cutest thing ever.

Amy wanting to cut Karen's head off was the highlight of my night.

That's the thing about the Brits, they really know how to give you a sense of closure.

Same. Not complaining about either though.

At "our sex tape" everyone I was watching episode gasped like it was the fucking Red Wedding. This show is doing stuff to us, man.

Right? Someone thinks highly of herself.

"Jesus Christ CATHERINE'S THERE?" Poor guy.

I got SUCH second-hand embarrassment from Jonah's awful, stutter-y confession. Also, I was so crushed for Amy when Dan didn't start talking in the direction she'd clearly hoped he would. Everyone was acting the hell out of this one - a bunch of psychotic characters making me feel empathy :p

What a funny guy. This interview is making my weird crush on Jonah Ryan feel more justified.

As soon as I saw this headline I thought of that and had a really inappropriate giggle.

"Tyrion And Varys: No Reservations" something I didn't know I needed until now. And the need is great.