
I actually thought Dan's outrage over the Jonah-Teddy thing was kind of sweet. He's an asshole, but with flecks of humanity still stuck in there.

No Lifetime movie will ever beat the SNL rip-off, "What's Wrong With Tanya?"

As soon as he said "You're wrong." I sat on the couch with my mouth hanging open for the rest of the scene.


All of Dan's lines tonight were killer.

The behind the scenes panic at the SOTU address had me in stitches. But I was disappointed there was no sign of Hugh Laurie :\

They're both tired and lazy writing.

Those teenage girls you play ping pong with are doing it ironically.

I adore Tina Fey's work and on occasion I've called her a genius, but this is one of a sadly increasing number of instances where she and her writers crossed the line from "Edgy" to "Mean-spirited". There's no need to kick someone who's down.

But more implausible.

It's guy loveā€¦

I miss Sal so much. No one could land a moment with an eye-roll and a cigarette as well as he could. Plus, ironically, he was the sonly one who was ever nice to his wife and helped her clean their house.

Oh thank God.

I actually thought those two titles were jokes. Moffat really like to stick with a "The ___ who ____" formula, huh?

I think the problem with these two year hiatuses is that it gives everyone too much time to think about the plot and realizes it's got more holes than swiss cheese. I'm surprised viewership doesn't fall by half each season.

"We've fucking time traveled, yes?"

Do we need to settle this with a sing-off?

I was thirteen years old when Glee came out and me and all of my theater-geek friends were OBSESSED. I really think now it's because eighth graders are the only ones who can appreciate a show with the plot and consistency of Glee.

Good Lord. To quote Bo Burnham, "we'll stop beating this dead horse when it stops spitting out money."

VEEP. It's filthy and cringe-worthy and hilarious.