
How in the name of sanity is Supernatural still a thing that is happening?

I'd watch the shit out of that.

I know it's ridiculous, but I can't see Hugh Laurie doing an American accent without immediately seeing him as House again.

My favorite bit was the construction worker having a sexuality crisis after Kimmy's innocuous comments about his hat. This show is beautiful.

I got home from work at 2 AM and couldn't help myself from watching the first two episodes right away. It's a happy show in every way that 30 Rock was cynical, and just as funny. "Them females are strong as hell!"

I thought it was a sweet story and cinematographically stunning. Sometimes a little cheese is nice.

Oh my God, Wilson's Heart fucking WRECKED me. I remember crying for a good ten minutes after the episode ended.

I watched this at 3 AM drunk in high school, and I'm pleased to report it's just as good in the sober light of day.

One of the greats. Truly sad.

I loved him on Gilmore Girls, and he reminded me a great deal of my own grandfather. He was a talented man and I'm sad to see him go.

Godspeed, Thursday night line up. You were too beautiful for this world, too pure.

The thirteen-year-old geek girl I once was is currently hyperventilating.


I wonder if Will Arnett ran over a gypsy's kid or something and got his shows cursed.

I meant Blue Bloods. If I wanted to see a bunch of Irish people overeat I would've stayed at home.

Isn't Donnie Wahlberg already on, like, a real TV show?

This is completely genuine: You are so cool.

I bet it'll take place in south Boston.

Kim Possible. All day every day.

What a fuckhead.